Saturday, February 9th, 2019, 1:15pm-3:00pm

Russian Modernist Studies: A Centennial Perspective, Irina Shevelenko (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Having recently completed my work on an edited volume Reframing Russian Modernism, I would like to discuss at this seminar the trajectory of Russian modernist studies over the past hundred years. What do we learn about Russian modernism by reviewing this trajectory today? And what do we learn about the past hundred years—and the Russian twentieth century in particular—when looking at different ways in which scholars and authors engaged with the legacy of modernism? These questions, to be sure, take us further than the fate of modernist studies as such. I will use a few primary texts and excerpts to highlight some of the issues we as scholars and readers confront when interpreting works from the modernist period today. I look forward to seminar participants’ insights about these texts, and I would welcome a discussion of approaches to modernism in general.

Irina Shevelenko is a professor of Slavic languages and literature at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her interests include Russian modernism in literature and the arts, nationalism studies, and Russian intellectual history. She is the author of Literaturnyi put’ Tsvetaevoi: Ideologiia, poetika, identichnost’ avtora v kontekste epokhi (Tsvetaeva’s literary path: Ideology, poetics, and identity of the author in the context of the epoch [2002, revised ed. 2015]) and Modernizm kak arkhaizm: Natsionalizm i poiski modernistskoi estetiki v Rossii (Modernism as archaism: Nationalism and the quest for a modernist aesthetic in Russia [2017]). She is also the scholarly editor and commentator (with E. B. Korkina) of two major volumes of previously unpublished archival sources: Marina Tsvetaeva’s notebooks (Svodnye tetradi [1997]) and the 1922–36 correspondence between Boris Pasternak and Marina Tsvetaeva (Dushi nachinaiut videt’: Pis’ma 1922—1936 godov [Moscow, 2004; revised ed. 2016). Her edited volume Reframing Russian Modernism comes out from the University of Wisconsin Press in Fall 2018.