Guidelines for Participating in the Russian Poetry Reading

The composition of the Russian Poetry Reading will be determined by the Poetry Reading chair, in consultation with the Program Committee. The Poetry Reading is generally limited to 8 participants. The Chair of the Poetry Reading will be elected at the previous year's Poetry Reading. The Russian Poetry Reading chair may serve no more than once every three years and must be an AATSEEL member in good standing.

For any questions regarding the Poetry Reading, please contact:

Russian Poetry Reading
Chair: TBA
or the Program Committee Chair:

Prof. William J. Comer
Department of Slavic Languages
University of Kansas
1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Rm. 2135
Lawrence, KS 66045
Phone: 785-864-4701 (office), 7785-864-3313 (dept)
Fax: 785-864-4298