Pu&shachek;kin's History Sideways: &Chachek;exov and Saxalin Carol Apollonio Flath

&Chachek;exov constitutes a curious exception to the obsession with history (to quote Andrew Wachtel) shared by the great Russian prose writers. &Chachek;exov's dramatization of the human struggle against the passage of time as something intensely private can be contrasted to his predecessors' exploration of history as part of the fervent and very public quest for a Russian national identity. That quest began (after Karamzin) with Pu&shachek;kin, and in the year 1999 the poet must be given his due. If the theme of history is strikingly absent from &Chachek;exov's writing, Pu&shachek;kin returns repeatedly to historical themes, exploring them in a wide variety of genres and from many different, complementary angles (to quote Svetlana Evdokimova). And yet, as the many excellent essays in the 1998 issue of &Chachek;exoviana (&Chachek;exov i Pu&shachek;kin) prove, &Chachek;exov is one of Pu&shachek;kin's most faithful followers.

A strongly temporal concern marks the works of both writers; Pu&shachek;kin seeks answers in the past, in origins—particularly those of the Russian hereditary gentry. &Chachek;exov, the grandson of serfs, looks only ahead, at potentialities, asking questions as to how things will be in the future (in two or three hundred years). &Chachek;exov believes that only science and its future remain certain. The proposed paper will attempt to argue that &Chachek;exov's deeply-felt need to contribute to Russian science represents a positivist's response to Pu&shachek;kin's challenge to explain the enigma of Russian identity through an exploration of the country's history. In this sense Pu&shachek;kin the Romantic and &Chachek;exov the scientist are men of their own times. The paper will recommend Donald Rayfield's comment on the sense of time translated into space in &Chachek;exov's story Lights as a potentially powerful paradigm for contrasting the two writers.

Their contrasting non-fictional projects—Pu&shachek;kin's Histories of Peter and of Puga&chachek;ev and &Chachek;exov's statistical study of the convict population on Saxalin Island—reflect a sense of civic responsibility in both writers. What unites them on a deep level is a deeply-felt conviction as to the value of pure art. Tolstoj's statement that &Chachek;exov is Pu&shachek;kin in prose draws our attention to the lyric principle that resides at the heart of &Chachek;exov's best stories and traces its origins to Pu&shachek;kin's lyrics and elegies. It is for this lyric core of their artistic works that offers refuge from public civic concerns that both writers are best remembered and loved. Thus it is that when Pu&shachek;kin and &Chachek;exov transcend the concerns of their time that they show themselves to be the greatest artists.

A study this ambitious will necessarily take the form of an essay that only poses questions. The discussion will be anchored, however, in a brief analysis of the 1887 &Chachek;exov story Vero&chachek;ka, which addresses the problem of a statistician's confrontation with the lyric moment.