2000 Conference Details

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On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, Polish Studies Center, IU wrote:

Call for Papers
Polonophilia and Polonophobia of the Russians

This conference is scheduled for September 16-17, 2000 at the Indiana
University Bloomington campus. We invite proposals for papers on aspect of the history of Russia's alternating attraction to repulsion of Poland's cultural expression. Topics may include, but need not be limited to, contributions of Polish creativity to Russian culture and the reactive use by Russian artists and writers of Polish expression as a foil for creating a self-conscious Russian cultural identity. The conference is jointly sponsored by the Indiana University Russian and East European Institute, the Indiana University Polish Studies Center, and the University of Wisconsin Madison Department of Slavic Languages
and Literatures. Co-directors are Bozena Shallcross, Indiana University; David Ransel, Indiana University and Alexander Dolinin, University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Paper submissions should include tentative title, abstract (no more than
one page), and short curriculum vitae (no more than three pages) including contact information. Submissions should be directed to the conference co-directors and sent to the Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University, Ballantine Hall 565, Bloomington, IN 47405, fax: 812-855-6411, email: reei@indiana.edu

Deadline for paper proposals, February 15, 2000. Anticipated announcemnt of final program: May 1, 2000.

 Bozena Shallcross
Director, Polish Studies Center Dept. of Slavic Langs. & Lits.
1217 E. Atwater Ballantine Hall 502
Bloomington, IN 47401-3701 1020 E Kirkwood Avenue
Phone: 812-855-1507 Bloomington, IN 47405
Fax: 812-855-0207 Phone: 812-855-3351

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Slavic Papers at MLA

The following panels have been constituted by the Slavic Committee as part of the MLA program for 2000:
  • "Public Spectacles" -- chair Vitaly Chernetsky
  • "The Mother-Daugher Syndrome" -- chair Bozena Shallcross (bshallcr@indiana.edu)
  • "Marketing Culture" -- chair Christine Tomei
  • "The Power of Horror: Trauma and Testimony" -- chair Amy Mandelker (AMandelker@aol.com)
  • "Bringing Out S/M" --chair Eleanor Kaufman, contact via David Goldfarb
  • "Taboos" -- chair Helena Goscilo

[The official call for papers for the last panel reads as follows:]
TABOOS: This panel examines the construction, perpetuation, and
violation of taboos (metaphysical, political, social, etc.) in the spheres of
visual, verbal, and behavioral culture in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, as well as postsoviet Russia.

Slavists wishing to participate in any of the panels should submit a one-page double-spaced abstract to the pertinent chair by March 10. The deadline for membership in MLA for participants in this year's conference is April 1st. Those participating in both AATSEEL and MLA receive a discount on their MLA registration, thanks to Jerry Ervin's diplomatic skills.

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New Methods and New Technologies in Teaching Polish Language and Culture

The Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish ("Bristol") and the School of Polish Language and Culture at the University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland) are planning to organize an
international conference on "New Programs, New Methods and New Technologies in Teaching Polish Language and Culture." The conference will be held on September 14-16, 2000 in Cieszyn, a picturesque, ancient town in southern Poland, where the local branch of the University of Silesia is located. Deadline for abstracts is April 15. I am enclosing a letter from the conference organizers. Inquiries should be sent directly to them in Polish or in English
(email: szkola@homer.fil.us.edu.pl ; web site: http://www.us.edu.pl/~sjikp)

40-032 KATOWICE, Plac Sejmu Slaskiego 1, POLAND
Tel./fax: +48-32/2512991, tel.: +48-32/2009424
e-mail: szkola@homer.fil.us.edu.pl

Szanowna Pani Profesor,
Szanowny Panie Profesorze!

Stowarzyszenie ãBristol" Polskich i Zagranicznych Nauczycieli Kultury Polskiej i Jezyka Polskiego jako Obcego oraz Szkola Jezyka i Kultury Polskiej Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Katowicach organizuja w dniach 14-16 wrzesnia 2000 r. miedzynarodowa konferencje na temat "Nowe programy, nowe metody, nowe technologie w nauczaniu kultury polskiej i jezyka polskiego jako obcego.
Teoria i praktyka." Konferencja odbedzie sie w Filii Uniwersytetu Slaskiego w Cieszynie, starym, zabytkowym miescie polozonym u podnoza Beskidow, na granicy polsko-czeskiej.

Jest to juz czwarte (po Krakowie - 1996, Lodzi - 1997, Lublinie - 1999)
spotkanie poswiecone zagadnieniom nauczania jezyka polskiego i kultury polskiej jako obcej w swiecie. Celem konferencji jest wymiana pogladow na temat metod i programow nauczania kultury i jezyka polskiego wsrod cudzoziemcow i Polakow poza granicami kraju. Liczymy takze na dyskusje dotyczaca sposobow i mozliwosci wykorzystania wszelkiego rodzaju pomocy dydaktycznych, zwlaszcza multimedialnych. Przewidujemy wystapienia w postaci referatow i prezentacje pomocy dydaktycznych. Integralnym elementem konferencji bedzie uczestnictwo w przygotowanych przez organizatorow warsztatach dydaktycznych. Szczegolowa koncepcje konferencji przesylamy w zalaczeniu.

Zgloszenia uczestnictwa w konferencji, jak rowniez zgloszenia wystapien wraz z tematem referatu/prezentacji i polstronicowym streszczeniem zawierajacym tezy wystapienia prosimy przesylac do konca kwietnia 2000 roku na adres:

 Dr Romuald Cudak
Szkola Jezyka i Kultury
Polskiej Uniwersytet
Slaski plac Sejmu Slaskiego 1
40-032 Katowice

Istnieje mozliwosc zgloszen przez telefon, poczte elektroniczna i faksem:
tel.: (0-32) 2512991, (0-32) 2009424; faks: (0-32)2512991; e-mail:
szkola@homer.fil.us.edu.pl Informacja o akceptacji zgloszonego wystapienia i o programie konferencji zostanie przeslana do konca czerwca 2000 roku. Organizatorzy przewiduja 20 min. na wygloszenie kazdego referatu (prezentacje). Istnieje mozliwosc publikacji referatow w materiach pokonferencyjnych. Uczestnicy konferencji z Zachodu pokrywaja koszty udzialu w konferencji (zakwaterowanie i wyzywienie), kt—re wyniosa 125 USD. Koszty udzialu w konferencji os—b ze Wschodu, kt—re deklaruja wystapienia w postaci referatu (prezentacji), pokrywaja organizatorzy z dotacji uzyskanych od wladz centralnych.

Oczekujac na zgloszenia, pozostajemy z wyrazami szacunku.

Dyrektor Szkoly Jezyka i Kultury Polskiej - Dr Romuald Cudak
Prezes Stowarzyszenia "Bristol" - Prof. dr hab. Wladyslaw Miodunka

Piotr Wilczek
Dept. of Slavic & Baltic Langs. & Lits. * University of Illinois at Chicago

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The Session on Slavic Studies
of the South Atlantic MLA announces a


Please submit title and one-page abstract addressing the literary and
intellectual dialogue between African-Americans and Russians.

Possible topics include: African-Americans in Russia; Russian Thought and the Black Intellectual; African-American Experience in the Early Communist Party; Russian Views on African America

Deadline: May 15, 2000

The 2000 South Atlantic MLA Conference will be held November 10-12 in
Birmingham, Alabama. For conference registration information visit


Kathleen Ahern

Kim Jastremski

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Preliminary Program and Announcement:


A conference to mark the centenary of the birth of Andrei Platonov to be held at Mansfield College, Oxford, 11-12 September, 2000 under the auspices of the Neo-Formalist Circle.

Organisers: Angela Livingstone, Joe Andrew and Robert Reid.

We are pleased to announce this conference. About twenty papers will be delivered at the conference, organised by the Neo-Formalist Circle to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Andrei Platonov in 1899. The conference will bring together Platonov specialists from a variety of countries and the papers proposed include both textually based and comparative approaches to the writer's work. This two-day conference promises to be a significant milestone in Platonov studies

The following are the proposed papers, though there may some adjustment to the programme in due course. For further information please contact Angela Livingstone angelal@essex.ac.uk, Robert Reid r.e.reid@keele.ac.uk or Joe Andrew j.m.andrew@keele.ac.uk. Further details of the finalised programme, together with booking forms will be available in June.

 Philip Bullock (Oxford): Platonov and Judaism
Robert Chandler (London): Listening to Platonov
Roger Cockrell (Exeter): Images of the Sky in Chevengur
Annie Epelboin (Paris): To be confirmed
Hans Guenther (Bielefeld): Platonov and the Utopian Genre
Robert Hodel (Hamburg): The Demodalising of Utterance: Chekhov, Platonov, Prigov
Hamid Ismailov (London): Platonov's Dzhan as a Sufi Treatise
Marina Koch (Paris): To be confirmed
Thomas Langerak (Amsterdam): City-Planning and Platonov's Kotlovan
Angela Livingstone (Essex): The Dangers of Reading Platonov
Nina Malygina (Moscow): Manuscript Variants of the Story O potukhshei lampe Il'icha
Olga Meerson (Georgetown): Re-automatisation in Andrei Platonov: A Formalist Criterion for an Axiology
Audun Mxrch (Oslo): Irony and Satire in Platonov and Dostoevsky: Gorod Gradov and Krokodil
Eric Naiman (Berkeley): Happy Moscow: Lexical Heroes and the Ideological Picaresque
Natalya Poltavtseva (Moscow): The Pushkin Text in Platonov
Thomas Seifrid (South California): Forms of Belatedness in Platonov's Prose
Helen Tolstoy (Jerusalem): To be confirmed
Anat Vernitski (Essex): Women Work, Men Muse: Gender Roles in Platonov's Short Stories
Valery Vyugin (St Petersburg): The Poetics of Enigma and the Enigma of Poetics
Hallie White (Boston): Happy Moscow and the Unbearable Present
Emma Widdis (Cambridge): Energetika: Platonov's Electrified Spaces and the Aesthetics of Soviet Montage

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Final Program and Registration Forms:
Dear Colleague

We are pleased to enclose the programme and booking form for the next Neo-Formalist Conference, to be held at Mansfield College, Oxford on 11-12 September. Please return the booking form as soon as possible, and by Friday 18 August at the latest.

Please also note that Panel VI is joint with the Twentieth Century Literature Group the programme of which extends until 4.00 on Wednesday 13 September. If you are attending both conferences please make sure that you do not double book for lunch and tea on Tuesday 12 September.


Monday 11 September

12.30 Lunch

1.30 Opening Session

Valery Vyugin (St Petersburg): The Poetics of Enigma and Enigma of Poetics

2.30 Panel I

Robin Chandler (London): Listening to Platonov
Olga Meerson (Georgetown): Platonov's Refamiliarization: Perils and Potencies of Perceptive Inertia
Robert Hodel (Hamburg): The Demodalizing of Utterance: Chekhov, Platonov, Prigov
Thomas Seifrid (Southern California): Forms of Belatedness in Platonov's Prose

4.30 Tea

5.00 Panel II

Angela Livingstone (Essex): Understandable Song: Music in Chevengur
Roger Cockrell (Exeter): Images of the Sky in Chevengur
Marina Koch (Paris): The Concept of Emptiness in Platonov's Prose

6.30 Dinner

7.30 Panel III

Eric Naiman (Berkeley): Happy Moscow: Lexical Heroes and the Ideological Picaresque
Clint Walker (Madison): The Bronze Horseman as a Major Lens for Reading Happy Moscow
Hallie White (Boston): Happy Moscow and the Unbearable Present
Anat Vernitski (Essex): Women Work, Men Muse: Gender Roles in Platonov's Short Stories

Tuesday 12 September

8.00 Breakfast

9.00 Panel IV

Thomas Langerak (Amsterdam): City-Planning and Platonov's Kotlovan
Dragan Kujundzic (Memphis): Kotlovan and the Idea of Building
Hans Guenther (Bielefeld): Platonov and the Utopian Genre

10.30 Coffee

11.00 Panel V

Nina Malygina (Moscow): Manuscript Variants of the Story O potukhshei lampe Il'yicha
Audun Morch (Oslo): Irony and Satire in Platonov and Dostoevsky: Gorod Gradov and Krokodil
Natalya Poltavtseva (Moscow): The Pushkinian Text in Platonov
Helen Tolstoy (Jerusalem): To be announced

1.00 Lunch

2.00 Panel VI

Hamid Ismailov (London): Platonov's Dzhan as a Sufi Treatise
Philip Bullock (Oxford): Platonov and Judaism
Emma Widdis (Cambridge): Energetika: Platonov's Electrified Spaces and the Aesthetics of Soviet Montage

3.30 Tea (end of Neo-Formalist Conference)

We look forward to seeing you in Oxford.

Best wishes,

Joe Andrew
Angela Livingstone
Robert Reid

N E O - F O R M A L I S T C I R C L E
Conference at Mansfield College, Oxford
Monday 11 - Tuesday 12 September 2000

The conference will run from lunch on 11 September until tea on 12 September. Please tick whatever facilities you wish and fill in the sections of name, date, etc., then return the form as soon as possible to the address below, with payment made out to "Neo-Formalist Circle", and in any event by 18 August 2000. All pricings are in pounds sterling. A deposit of 10 pounds in advance will be sufficient; it would be of great assistance to us, however, if the full amount could be paid in advance. If you have received this electronically, please print a copy and send back by post.


11 September Lunch (10.00) . . . .

Tea (0.90) . . . .

Dinner (15.90) . . .

Bedroom : ensuite (47.00) . . .

ordinary (32.90) . . .

twin (per person) (30.55) . . .

12 September Breakfast (7.65) . . . .

Coffee (0.90) . . . .

Lunch (10.00) . . . .

Tea (0.90) . . . .

Vegetarian Meals Required . . . . . . . .

Conference Fee (25.00) . . . . . .

(Please tick meals etc. required and please specify if vegetarian or other special requirements)

NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SIGNATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(Block capitals)
ADDRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Please return the completed form with payment to:
Neo-Formalist Circle, Department of Russian Studies, Keele University, Keele, Staffs, ST5 5BG, England

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This message is being forwarded on behalf of my colleagues,
Dr. Miran Hladnik (U. of Ljubljana) and Dr. Marko Juvan (Slovenian Academy of Arts & Sciences, Ljubljana).
---Marc L. Greenberg

Dear colleagues,
The University of Ljubljana is organizing an international conference
"The Romantic Epic Poem: On the Occasion of the 200the Anniversary of France Preseren's birth" (Ljubljana, December 4-6, 2000). As a chair of the symposium I would like to invite you to take an active part in this event. Please find more information and the application form on:


With best regards,
Dr. Marko Juvan

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Dates: 9-10 December 2000 (Note corrected dates.)
Location: Warszawa (Warsaw)

Sponsored by the Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw

(both to be confirmed):

Steven FRANKS Indiana University
Gilbert C. RAPPAPORT University of Texas at Austin


The primary aim of GLiP meetings is to bring together (i) Polish generative linguists, (ii) generative linguists working in Poland, as well as (iii) generative linguists working on Polish.

We invite abstracts on any aspect of generative syntax and/or morphology in any generative approach: P&P (Minimalism, GB), HPSG, LFG, OT, etc. Talks will be organized around major syntactic topics, depending on the content of the submissions.

We are also planning a separate session on Polish generative terminology, continued from GLiP-1 (details to be found on our web pages).

The format of the conference is 30 min for presentation + 15 min question time. Languages of the conference are English and Polish.

The GLiP-1 meeting, which took place in November 1999 in Warsaw, resulted in a volume of proceedings, and we are also planning to publish proceedings of GLiP-2.


Piotr Banski, Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw
Adam Przepiorkowski, Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of

Piotr BANSKI University of Warsaw
Robert D. BORSLEY University of Essex
Steven FRANKS Indiana University
Adam PRZEPIORKOWSKI Polish Academy of Sciences
Gilbert C. RAPPAPORT University of Texas at Austin
Andrew J. SPENCER University of Essex
Ewa WILLIM (tbc) Jagiellonian University
Jacek WITKOS Adam Mickiewicz University

Accommodation will be provided at the university hotel. For details please see our web page (address below).

CONFERENCE FEES (estimated):
Regular: 60 PLN
Student: 30 PLN

- DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts: 30 September 2000
- Notification of acceptance: 31 October 2000
- Meeting: 9-10 December 2000
- Deadline for submissions of papers for the proceedings volume: 28 February 2001

Should be *anonymous* and consist of up to 700 words, together with examples and references. We accept abstracts *EXCLUSIVELY* in ASCII format. If data involving diacritics are quoted, please omit the diacritics unless they are essential for the proper interpretation of the proposal -- in such cases, use the ASCII characters to mark them in some consistent way. Only one submission per person and one joint submission will be considered.

IMPORTANT: At the beginning of your e-mail, please supply the following information:
- name, title,
- title of the paper,
- affiliation,
- email address,
- snail mail address.

Unless you send the abstract as attachment, we request that you add several blank lines between the personal information and the abstract proper, to facilitate anonymous review.



GLiP-2 Organizing Committee glip@venus.ci.uw.edu.pl

MORE INFORMATION see: http://venus.ci.uw.edu.pl/~glip/

If you are (tentatively) interested in taking part in this workshop, please, send your email address to GLiP-2 Organizing Committee glip@venus.ci.uw.edu.pl. Most future announcements, changes, etc., will be mailed only to registered prospective participants (and not to general linguistic lists).

Ohio State University | work: (USA) (614) 292 2844
Department of Linguistics | home: (USA) (614) 261 1572
222 Oxley Hall | fax: (USA) (614) 292 8833
1712 Neil Ave. |
Columbus OH 43210 | email: adamp@ling.ohio-state.edu
URL: http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/mmgroup/ap.html

On leave from the Institute of Computer Science,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

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Wisconsin AATSEEL Conference

The Wisconsin chapter of AATSEEL is pleased to announce the program of its annual AATSEEL-Wisconsin conference which will take place in Madison, WI on September 22nd and 23rd.

For more information about the conference, please contact one of the
AATSEEL-Wisconsin co-chairs: Halina Filipowicz hfilipow@facstaff.wisc.edu) and
David Danaher (dsdanaher@facstaff.wisc.edu).


Friday, September 22, 2000
A Free and Public Lecture "The Literary-Historical Consequences of the Russian Non-Renaissance in a Comparative Context"

by Michael Shapiro,

Professor of Slavic and Semiotic Studies, Brown University

4:00 pm in the Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street

Saturday, September 23, 2000
9:15-4:15 Pyle Center, 702 Langdon Street

9:15 - 9:30 am Coffee and Tea

9:30-10:30 am Special Topics: Slavic Literatures Other than Russian

Chair: Alexandra Walter, UW-Madison
Secretary: Viktoria Ivleva, UW-Madison

"To Look into One's Own Open Abdomen": The (Pro)Creative Crisis in Krleza's The Return of Philip Latinowicz, Cynthia Ramsey, UW-Madison

The Creation of a Romantic Poet: Adam Mickiewicz's "Ode to Youth", Anna Tumarkin, UW-Madison

How Unique Is Toska? A Comparative Analysis of Emotion Concepts: Russian Toska and Polish Tesknota, Anke Ziolkowska, UW-Madison

10:45-12:00 pm Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Slavic Languages

Chair: Shannon Donnally, UW-Madison
Secretary: Gretchen Eichenberger, UW-Madison

A New Approach to Teaching Listening Comprehension at the Advanced Level, Xenia Bonch-Bruevich, UW-Madison

Mini-Textbooks (Modules) in Russian Linguistics, Elena S. Hansen, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa

Testing Language Gain in the Russian Language Classroom, Benjamin Rifkin, UW-Madison and Middlebury College

12:00-1:00 pm Lunch

1:00-1:15 pm Coffee and Tea

1:15-2:45 pm 20th Century Russian Literature

Chair: Cynthia Ramsey, UW-Madison
Secretary: David B. Polet, UW-Madison

The Problem of Gender in the Poetry of Sophia Parnok, Michelle Hartner-Abaza, UW-Madison

At Home with Pani Eliza: Izaak Babel' and His Polish Characters, Judith Deutsch-Kornblatt, UW-Madison

The Formation and Deformation of a Soviet Prophet-Savior in Platonov's Dzhan, Clint B. Walker, UW-Madison

The Image of Mother in Tsvetaeva's Autobiographical Prose, Sarah Walsh, UW-Madison

3:00-4:15 New Perspectives on Familiar Texts: Rethinking Gogol's Dead Souls and Nabokov's The Gift

Chair: Michelle Hartner-Abaza, UW-Madison
Secretary: Antonella Caloro, UW-Madison

A Continuum of Artistic Autonomy: Viewing the Illustrations of Gogol's Dead Souls, Keith Blasing, UW-Madison

Window to a World: Eyes and Windows in Gogol's Dead Souls, Shannon Donnally, UW-Madison

A Fatal Gust of Words: Dialogue and Character in Nabokov's The Gift, Peter-John Thomas, Northwestern University

Oblachenie and Razoblachenie in Nabokov's The Gift, Viktoria Ivleva, UW-Madison


David S. Danaher, Assistant Professor
Slavic Languages, 1432 Van Hise
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison, WI 53706


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Dear Colleagues:
In 1991 the International Association of Belarusianists (IAB/MAB) was
established to promote international cooperation and dialogue between
scholars with an interest in Belarus and to heighten awareness of
Belarus and Belarusian studies within the academic community. Under
the aegis of the IAB, national and regional associations have been
created to further the goals of the organization within their
respective countries. The North American Association for Belarusian
Studies (NAABS) is the newest of these IAB affiliates, joining
already existing affiliates in Belarus, Poland, Russia, Ukraine,
Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Germany, France and
Great Britain. NAABS is a non-profit scholarly organization which
promotes teaching, research and publication in all areas of
Belarusian studies, including history, language, literature and the
arts, sociology, anthropology, politics, economics and international
relations. NAABS seeks to foster communication and interdisciplinary
collaboration between scholars engaged in Belarusian studies by
sponsoring conferences, panels and workshops at the regional,
national and international levels.
As acting President and Vice-President of NAABS, it gives us
great pleasure to invite you to join NAABS and contribute to the
growth of Belarusian studies in North America. NAABS will be having
an organizational meeting at the AAASS convention in Denver this
November, where we will hold elections for officers (President,
Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Newsletter Editor, and a
five-member Executive Council), discuss and vote on a draft the
Association's by-laws, and plan our future activities. We will also
discuss the possibility of publishing a newsletter and the related
issue of membership dues. The meeting has been scheduled for Session
11, Sunday, November 12, 10:15-12:15; Director's Row G. We encourage all those who have an interest in Belarusian studies and who will be in Denver for AAASS to take part in this meeting and to make their voices heard. If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague
for any leadership position in NAABS, please contact Curt Woolhiser,
Acting President, or Maria Paula Survilla, Acting Vice- President
(see contact information below) before October 30, 2000. Potential
members of NAABS who will not be attending the AAASS convention but
would like to participate in the elections may vote by absentee
Current acting officers (terms expire on November 12) are:

President: Dr. Curt Woolhiser, Dept. of Slavic Languages, University
of Texas (Field: Slavic Linguistics; Research interests: Belarusian
historical linguistics, dialectology and sociolinguistics; language
attitudes and language ideologies; language planning and policy)

Vice-President: Dr. Maria Paula Survilla, Dept. of Music, Wartburg
College (Iowa) (Field: Ethnomusicology; Research interests:
Belarusian traditional and urban music; music and national identity)

Secretary-Treasurer: position currently vacant

Newsletter Editor: position currently vacant

Acting Executive Council:

Dr. David Marples, Dept. of History, University of Alberta
(Field: History; Research interests: History of Belarus (20th century
emphasis);the impact of Chernobyl; health and social-demographic
issues; contemporary Belarusian politics)
Dr. Zina Gimpelevich, Dept. of Slavic Languages, Waterloo University (Canada) (Field: Slavic Studies; Research interests: Belarusian language and literature; the works of Vasil Bykau)
(+ 3 additional members to be elected at organizational meeting in November)

If you would be interested in joining NAABS, or would like any
further information about our organization, please contact us. We
would like to request that all potential members send us an e-mail or
postcard listing their name, affiliation, and areas of interest (this
information will be forwarded to AAASS in connection with our
application for AAASS affiliate status; please note that AAASS
requires that a significant percentage of affiliate members belong to
We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage you
to join the International Association of Belarusianists (IAB/MAB).
For membership information, please contact Dr. Adam Mal'dzis at:

Respublika Belarus' 220050
Minsk, vul. Revaliucyjnaja, 15
Kamitet HA "MAB"
Tel.: 375 (017) 220 76 04
Fax: 375 (017) 220 93 50
Email: mab@lingvo.minsk.by

Dues-paying members of IAB/MAB receive the Association's bimonthly
bulletin "Kantakty i dyjalohi," each issue of which includes an
extensive international bibliography of new publications in all areas
of Belarusian studies (an English-language version of "K&D" is
currently in the planning stages). A condensed, on-line version of
"Kantakty i dyjalohi" is also available at: http://www.lingvo.minsk.by. In the latest issue of "K&D" you will find a report on the First Session of the III International Congress of Belarusianists, which was held in Minsk, May 22-24. The Second, Fall Session of the III Congress will take place in Minsk on December 5-6, 2000.
We very much hope that you will consider participating in
NAABS, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Curt Woolhiser
Acting President, NAABS
Vice-President (2000-2004), IAB and
Maria Paula Survilla
Acting Vice-President, NAABS

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International Conference "Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics'2000"

October, 23-24, 2000.
Pereslavl'-Zalesskiy (near Moscow), Russia

The conference is organized by Russian Association of Artificial Intelligence, Computing Center of Russian Academy of Science, and ´Web Journal of Formal, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics'. It will be third conference in the series.
The aim of the conference is joining efforts in research of cognitive processes of researchers in the fields of cognitive linguistics, learning theory, neural networks, cognitive psychology, knowledge engineering.
The reports on the following themes (but not only listed) are welcome: formal models in linguistics,
psycholinguistics, language and thought,
language processing in neural networks,
cognitive models of thought and memory,
cognitive models of language acquisition,
semantic and pragmatic, language and culture,
child speech,
The size of a paper is not limited. The papers could be presented in English (preferable) or Russian, in the later case an abstract in English is required. Please, send your papers by e-mail. Next formats are
plain text.
The deadline for the papers is September, 1, 2000.

Please, send your papers by e-mail both to
solovyev@mi.ru and vladimir_polyakov@ yahoo.com.

Contact. Post address:
Russia, 420140, Kazan,
Fuchika str., 127-88.
Phone: 7-8432-624252 (home).
Program committee chair
Prof. Valery Solovyev (Kazan State University)

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