AATSEEL 2012 (Seattle, WA) at a Glance

Scroll down for Panels

Many special events are being planned for the 2012 AATSEEL Conference, including seminars led by Boris Gasparov and Eric Naiman; workshops led by Vaclav Cvrček, Sibelan Forrester, Victoria Hasko, and Julia Nemirovskaya; coffee conversations with Steven Franks, Genevra Gerhart, Robin Feuer Miller, and Donna Orwin; a job interviewing workshop led by Jon Stone; Russian poetry readings; and a special screening of the film My Perestroika.

Note: Rooms are subject to change. Check the 2012 Conference Program when you arrive for final room assignments.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

3:00pm-7:00pm Exhibitor Set-Up (Regency AB)
5:00pm-7:00pm Conference Registration (Regency Foyer)
5:00pm-7:00pm AATSEEL Program Committee Meeting (Executive Board Room)
7:00pm-9:00pm Job Interviewing Workshop (Birch Room)
7:00pm-9:00pm AATSEEL Executive Council Meeting (Executive Board Room)
9:00pm-10:00pm Reception for Graduate Students (Balsam Room)

Friday, January 6, 2012

7:30am-6:00pm Conference Registration (Regency Foyer)
8:00am-10:00am SLAVA/Olympiada Breakfast (Executive Board Room)
9:00am-4:30pm Exhibit Hall (Regency AB)
8:00am-9:45am Conference Panels: FRI 6-A
9:45am-10:30am Complimentary Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall sponsored by American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS (Regency AB)
10:30am-12:15pm Conference Panels: 6-B
12:15pm-1:45pm Language Coordinators' Luncheon (Place TBD)
12:15pm-1:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Robin Feuer Miller, Brandeis University (Balsam Room)
1:45pm-3:30pm Conference Panels: 6-C
4:00pm-6:30pm ACTR Board Meeting (Executive Board Room)
4:30pm-6:30pm International Association of Teachers of Czech Meeting (Cottonwood Room)
4:30pm-6:30pm Conference Panels: 6-D
4:45pm-6:30pm Graduate Committee Meeting (Juniper Room)
7:00pm-9:00pm Russian Poetry Reading. Featured poet: Maria Rybakova (Balsam Room)
9:00pm-11:00pm AATSEEL President’s Reception and Awards Ceremony (Evergreen Room)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

7:30am-5:00pm Conference Registration (Regency Foyer)
8:00am-10:00am Conference Panels: 7-A
9:00am-4:30pm Exhibit Hall (Regency AB)
10:00am-10:50am AATSEEL Members' Meeting (Auditorium)
11:00am-12:00pm Keynote Address: Irina Paperno (Auditorium)
12:00pm-1:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Donna Orwin, University of Toronto (Balsam Room)
1:30pm-3:15pm Conference Panels: 7-B
3:30pm-5:00pm Russian Flagship Council Meeting (Executive Board Room)
3:15pm-3:45 pm Complimentary Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall sponsored by Slavica Publishers (Regency AB)
3:15pm-5:00pm Conference Panels: 7-C
5:00pm-7:00pm Conference Panels: 7-D
5:00pm–7:00pm ACTR Members' Meeting (Balsam Room)
6:00 pm Reception Hosted by the University of Washington Department of Slavic Languages and Literature (Cedar B Room)
7:00pm Film Screening: My Perestroika (Regency E Room; AV: DVD/monitor)
8:00-10:00 pm Graduate Student Social Event: The Spot Off Main, 20 103rd Ave NE Bellevue, WA

Sunday, January 8, 2012

8:00am-10:00am AATSEEL Executive Council Meeting (Executive Board Room)
9:00am-11:00am Conference Panels: 8-A
11:00am-12:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Genevra Gerhart (Birch Room)
11:00am-12:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Steven Franks, Indiana University (Balsam Room)
11:00am-12:00pm AATSEEL Program Committee Meeting (Executive Board Room)
12:00pm-1:45pm Conference Panels: 8-B


January 6, 8:00am-9:45am

6A-1 Panel: Gogol and Little Russian Literature (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Julia Nemirovskaya, U of Oregon

Panelist: Robert Romanchuk, Florida State U
Title: What is Little Russian Literature?

Panelist: Roman Koropeckyj, UCLA
Title: Gogol's Place in Little Russian Literature

Panelist: Amelia Glaser, UC-San Diego
Title: Gogol's Petrushka: Dead Souls and the Vertep Tradition

Oleh Ilnytzkyj, U of Alberta

6A-10 Panel: Cross-Cultural Communication (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: Stuart Goldberg, Georgia Tech U

Panelist: Corinne Seals-Mykytka, Georgetown U
Title: Subtleties in Cross-Cultural Proficiency: Measuring the Importance of Sociolinguistic Variables for Study Abroad Learners of Russian

Panelist: Elena Denisova-Schmidt, U of St. Gallen (HSG)
Title: Cross-Cultural Management in Russia: Approaches to Teaching

Panelist: Olga Oleynik, U of South Florida
Title: Cross-Cultural Communication Problems as a Topic in Teaching Heritage Students or Combining the Uncombinable

Panelist: Maria Shardakova, Indiana U
Title: “I joke you not”: Humor and Politeness across Languages and Cultures

6A-2 Panel: Re-examining Anna Karenina (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Thomas Seifrid, USC

Panelist: Alexander Burry, Ohio State U
Title: Tolstoy’s Allusions to Pushkin’s Stone Guest in Anna Karenina

Panelist: Alexei Pavlenko, Colorado College
Title: Anna’s Peasant as a Mirror of Tolstoy’s Evolution

Panelist: Nina Bond, Columbia U
Title: Tolstoy and (D)Evolution

6A-3 Panel: Early Twentieth-Century Russian Culture (Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Jason Merrill, Michigan State U

Panelist: Katya Jordan, U of Virginia
Title: Between Hamlet and St. Sergius: An Artistic Quest in Mamin-Sibiriak’s Shooting Stars

Panelist: Anna Krivoruchko, USC
Title: The Grammar of Ekphrasis, or How to Make Pictures out of Words

Panelist: Lisa Woodson, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Early Literary Adaptations of the Legend of Kitezh

Panelist: Evgeniya Koroleva, CUNY Graduate Center
Title: The Influence of A. Bely’s Петербург on B. Pasternak’s early prose (“Апеллесова Черта”, “Вторая Картина. Петербург”)

6A-4 Panel: Mandelstam (Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Emily Wang, Princeton U

Panelist: Carmen Finashina, Northwestern U
Title: The Narrator as Ambient Noise: the process of text creation and the narrator’s present tense in Osip Mandelstam’s

Panelist: Lindsay Ceballos, Princeton U
Title: Some implications of “culture” in the writings of Osip Mandel’shtam and Viacheslav Ivanov

Panelist: Ona Renner-Fahey, U of Montana
Title: The Asthma of Poetic Creation

6A-5 Panel: Late Soviet Culture (AV: CD, DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Olga Klimova, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Ian MacMillen, Masha Kowell, U of Pennsylvania
Title: Political Jazz Narratives: The Propagandist Role of Big Band and Bebop in Post-WWII Soviet Animation

Panelist: Polina Maksimovich, Northwestern U
Title: From Ridiculous to Sublime: The Tragicomedy of Characters in Vampilov’s “Duck Hunting.”

Panelist: Rita Safariants, Yale U
Title: Everyday Rock-n-roll: The Perestroika Rockumentary and the Soviet Cinematic Quotidian

Olga Klimova, U of Pittsburgh

6A-6 Panel: Geographies I: Re-imagining the Balkans (Larch Room)

Panel Chair: Vladislav Beronja, U of Michigan

Panelist: Tomislav Longinović, U of Wisconsin
Title: The Post-Oriental Condition

Panelist: Amila Buturovic, York University
Title: In Memoriam: Bosnian Epigraphic Polyglossia

Panelist: Natasa Kovačević, Eastern Michigan University
Title: Worlding the Balkans

Gordana Crnkovic, U of Washington

6A-7 Panel: Russian Linguistics (AV: Overhead Projector, LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency G Room)

Panel Chair: Shannon Spasova, Dalhousie U

Panelist: Hyug Ahn
Title: The Lexicalization of Verbs of Motion in Russian: Manner vs. Destination

Panelist: Jeffrey Holdeman, Indiana U
Title: The Americanization of Russian Old Believer Surnames in the Eastern U.S., Part II: Pronunciation

6A-8 Panel: Computer-Assisted Language Learning (AV: LCD Projector; Audio Speakers; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Tatiana Iakovleva, SFL Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage

Panelist: Curtis Ford, U of South Carolina
Title: “Glagoly”: The Design and Development of a Mobile App for Language Learners

Panelist: Liudmila Klimanova, Svetlana Dembovskaya, U of Iowa, Loyola U, Chicago
Title: Internet-Based Social Networking Activities in a Russian Class: The Case of Status Updates

Panelist: Newel Brown, Brigham Young U
Title: Argumentation and Debate in the Foreign Language Classroom: Russian and American University Students Collaborating through New Technologies

6A-9 Panel: Acquisition of L2 Reading and Writing Skills (LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Julia Mikhailova, U of Toronto

Panelist: William Comer, U of Kansas
Title: Readers and their Lexical Inferencing Strategies

Panelist: Olesya Kisselev, Anna Yatsenko, Portland State U
Title: Writing at the Advanced Level: A Case Study Based on the Corpus Linguistics Approach

Panelist: Daria Aleeva, Portland State U
Title: Negative Transfer in the Writing of Proficient Students of Russian: A Comparison of Heritage Language Learners and Second Language Learners

January 6, 10:30am-12:15pm

6B-1 Panel: Eighteenth-Century Russian Literature (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: James West, U of Washington

Panelist: Viktoria Ivleva, U of Kentucky
Title: Frills and Perils of Fashion: Politics and Culture of the Eighteenth-Century Russian Court through the Eyes of La Mode

Panelist: David Gasperetti, U of Notre Dame
Title: Translating Vanka Kain: Recovering the Richness of the Eighteenth-Century Russian Novel

Panelist: Priscilla Hunt, U of Massachusetts-Amherst
Title: Holy Foolishness in the Age of Enlightenment

6B-2 Panel: The Idiot Revisited (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Katherine Bowers, Northwestern U

Panelist: Yuri Corrigan, College of Wooster
Title: Dostoevsky’s Experimental Formulation of the Tripartite Soul in The Idiot

Panelist: Alex Spektor, Vanderbilt U
Title: Vicissitudes of Reading of/in The Idiot

Panelist: William Leidy, Stanford U
Title: The Proliferation of Scandal in Dostoevsky’s The Idiot: New Media versus Old-Fashioned Gossip

Caryl Emerson, Princeton U

6B-3 Panel: Russian Futurism (AV: LCD Projector; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Michael Kunichika, NYU

Panelist: Juliette Stapanian-Apkarian, Emory U
Title: Performing on Edge: The Disabled Body as Stage in Plays by Elena Guro

Panelist: Connor Doak, Northwestern U
Title: “Nado pisat’ voinoiu”: Maiakovskii and World War I

Panelist: James McGavran, Kenyon College
Title: Mayakovsky as Laughter’s Lone Wolf: Private Humor versus Public Laughter in Two Poems

Panelist: Elise Thorsen, U of Pittsburgh
Title: Maiakovskii and the Challenge of Appropriating the Advertising Jingle

6B-5 Panel: Contemporary Ukrainian Literature (AV: LCD Projector, Overhead Projector; Cedar B Room)

Panel Chair: Nancy Condee, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Olena Hlazkova, U of Alberta
Title: The Image Of A Woman-Migrant In Modern Ukrainian Literature

Panelist: Oleh Kotsyuba, Harvard U
Title: The Old Face of the New Ukrainian Literature: Lina Kostenko’s Zapysky ukraïns’koho samašedšoho

6B-6 Panel: The Best Writer You’ve Never Heard of: Reading Ismail Kadare (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

Panelist: Ani Kokobobo, U of Kansas
Title: Ismail Kadare’s Libidinous Resistance

Panelist: John Cox, North Dakota State College
Title: The Early Kadare: A Case of Socialist Realist Sabotage?

Panelist: Kristin Bidoshi, Union College
Title: Ismail Kadare’s Lulet e ftohta te marsit: A Tragic Narrative of Old and New Albania

6B-7 Panel: West Slavic Linguistics (AV: Audio Speakers; Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Robert Channon, Purdue U

Panelist: James Lavine, Bucknell U
Title: Grammaticalization in the Functional Domain: Evidence from Polish

Panelist: Gary Toops, Wichita State U
Title: Expressing Causative Relations in Czech and Upper Sorbian: A Contrastive Analysis

Panelist: Inchon Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Title: Competition of Prepositional and Nonprepositional Case in Czech

6B-8 Panel: Curriculum Development (AV: LCD Projector, Audio Speakers; Cedar C Room)

Panel Chair: Elena Denisova-Schmidt, U of St. Gallen (HSG)

Panelist: Olga Ogurtsova, Beloit College
Title: Teaching Intercultural Competency beyond Language at the Advanced Level

Panelist: Irene Krasner, Defense Language Institute
Title: Some Applications of Neuroscientific Research to Second Language Acquisition

6B-9 Roundtable: Genevra Gerhart’s The Russian’s World: For the Classroom and Beyond (Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: George Fowler, Slavica Publishers and Indiana

Panelist: Genevra Gerhart

Panelist: Eloise Boyle

January 6, 1:45pm-3:30pm

6C-1 Panel: Nineteenth-Century Prose and Criticism (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Nancy Condee, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Sarah Ruth Lorenz, UC Berkeley
Title: The Clash of Realist Convictions and Revolutionary Impatience in the Criticism of N. A. Dobroliubov

Panelist: Nikita Nankov
Title: Three Methods of (Mis)reading Chekhov the Cartesian Way

Panelist: Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, U of Texas – Austin
Title: Nervous Attacks and Severed Heads: Intermediate Sexualities in Chekhov and Wilde

6C-10 Workshop: Pedagogical Explorations of Conceptual Metaphor (LCD Projector Set-Up; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Victoria Hasko, U of Georgia

6C-11 Panel: Poetry Reading: Poetry and the Visual Arts: The Work of Rafael Levchin and Aleksandr Ocheretiansky (AV: LCD Projector; Cedar B Room)

Panel Chair: Olga Livshin, U of Alaska-Anchorage

Panelist: Rafael Levchin

Panelist: Aleksandr Ocheretiansky

Rebecca Pyatkevich, Lewis & Clark College

6C-2 Panel: Pasternak and Tsvetaeva (AV: Overhead Projector, Audio Speakers; Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Ona Renner-Fahey, U of Montana

Panelist: Christopher Lemelin
Title: The Train Home to Exile

Panelist: Nataliya Gavrilova, CUNY – Graduate Center
Title: Converted Avant-Garde: The Poetic Development of Boris Pasternak and T.S. Eliot

Panelist: Molly Thomasy Blasing, U of Wisconsin – Madison
Title: Illuminating Consciousness: Pasternak’s Poetics of Photography

Panelist: Svetoslav Pavlov, Grand Valley State University
Title: Pasternak’s Approach to Translating Shakespeare’s Humor

6C-3 Panel: Geographies II: Apprehending Space and Time through the Prism of Modernist Techniques (AV: DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Elise Thorsen, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Jenifer Presto, U of Oregon
Title: Modernist Archaeology: Khodasevich, Pompeii, and the Russian Necropolis

Panelist: Michael Kunichika, NYU
Title: “Somewhere there is Europe…”: Boris Pil’niak and Modernist Stratigraphy

Panelist: Devin Fore, Princeton U
Title: The Secret of Capital: Vertov’s Eleventh Year

Katherine Bowers, Northwestern U

6C-4 Panel: Crossing the Terek and the Caspian: Russian Dialogues in the Caucasus and Central Asia (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: Catharine Nepomnyashchy, Barnard College/ Columbia U

Panelist: Katya Hokanson, U of Oregon
Title: Empire in Microcosm: Russian Women in Central Asia

Panelist: Leah Feldman, UCLA
Title: Heterodoxy and Heteroglossia: Poets and Prophets on the threshold of the Russian Empire

Panelist: Anindita Banerjee, Cornell U
Title: Khlebnikov’s Transcaspianism and the Nomadology of Revolution

Lisa Yountchi, U of Pennsylvania

6C-5 Panel: Portable Russia: Berberova’s Short Fiction (1930s) and Issues of the Russian Emigration in France (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Mark Pettus

Panelist: Dominique Hoffman, U of North Carolina
Title: Literature and the Construction of Memory: Nina Berberova's Roquenval

Panelist: Melissa Miller, U of Wisconsin
Title: Freedom and Exile in Two Novels of Nina Berberova

Panelist: Ruth Rischin
Title: The Obshchina on the Soil of Provence: Berberova’s Poslednie i pervye (1930)

Mary Rees ,

6C-6 Panel: Slavic Culture and Translation (AV: Overhead Projector; Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Olga Mesropova, Iowa State U

Panelist: Edward Alan Cole, Grand Valley State U
Title: Three Different Redactions that Venture Onto the Coast of Utopia

Panelist: Adrian Wanner, Pennsylvania State U
Title: From Ground Up to Kofemolka: Michael Idov’s Self-Translation

Panelist: Kyuchin Kim, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Title: Reception of Czech Literature in South Korea

6C-7 Panel: Digital Slavic Linguistics (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency G Room)

Panel Chair: Quinn Dombrowski, U of Chicago

Panelist: Andrew Dombrowski, U of Chicago
Title: Etymological Markup of the Birchbark Letter Corpus

Panelist: Cynthia Vakareliyska, U of Oregon
Title: Saints in Medieval Slavic Calendars as Facebook Friends

Panelist: Ronelle Alexander, Eric Prendergast, UC Berkeley
Title: Bulgarian Dialect Analysis as an Evolving Tradition

Panelist: Erin Franklin, Monica Vickers, U of Chicago/Ohio State U
Title: Student-Driven Collaborative Reference in Slavic Linguistics

6C-8: Poster Session: Teaching Less Commonly Taught Slavic Languages (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up, DVD Player; Regency C Room)

Panel Chair: Christopher Harwood, Columbia U

Panelist: Biljana Belamaric Wilsey, North Carolina State U
Title: The Macedonian Language E-Learning Center: Free Interactive Multimedia for Online Language Learning

Panelist: Christian Hilchey, U of Chicago
Title: When Less is More: Multimodal Learning Through Czech Večerníček

Panelist: Dana Hůlková-Nývltová, Charles U, Prague
Title: Learning to Teach Czech

Panelist: Matthew Dame, USC/Dept. of Education/TESOL
Title: Using “Kolja” to Teach Czech prosody (intonation, rhythm & stress)

Panelist: Natalie Dame, USC
Title: Using Czech Songs to Reinforce Textbook Vocabulary and Grammar

Panelist: Masako Fidler, Brown U
Title: Content-Driven Language Course above the First-year Level: What's Been Done and What Needs to be Done

Panelist: Susan Kresin, UCLA
Title: Technology and LCTLs: Applications for differentiation

Panelist: Viktorija Lejko-Lacan, UCLA
Title: Fostering Language Development and Critical Thinking through Writing in a BCS Class

Panelist: Marshall Pierce, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Title: Heritage Learners and Survival Czech Classes Content Online

Panelist: Mila Saskova-Pierce, U of Nebraska-Lincoln
Title: Czech Language in Nebraska: Learning Community Format

6C-9 Roundtable: The Anatomy of a Test Item: From Inception to Administration (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Larch Room)

Panel Chair: Elizabeth Sandstrom, Thomas Jefferson Science & Technical High School

Panelist: Mary Nicholas, Lehigh U

Panelist: Jane Shuffelton, Brighton HS

Panelist: Camelot Marshall, ACTR

January 6, 4:30pm-6:30pm

6D-1 Panel: The Classics Revisited (AV: DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Caryl Emerson, Princeton U

Panelist: Julia Chadaga, Macalester College
Title: Nabokov's Artful Criminals

Panelist: Christine Rydel, Grand Valley State U
Title: Raskol’nikov in New York City: Laurence Sanders Answers Dostoevsky

Panelist: Sarah Bishop, Willamette U
Title: Kama Ginkas’s “K.I. from Crime”

Panelist: Sarah Krive, U of North Carolina-Greensboro
Title: Mantovani’s Akhmatova: Libretto and Intertexts

6D-2: Forum: Holy Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Cynthia Vakareliyska, U of Oregon

Panelist: Priscilla Hunt, U of Massachusetts - Amherst

6D-3 Workshop: Russian Through Theater (Laurel Room; AV: LCD Projector, Audio)

Panel Chair: Julia Nemirovskaya, U of Oregon

6D-4 Master Class: Seminar: Reading Too Closely (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Eric Naiman, UC-Berkeley

6E-1 Panel: Poetry Reading: Russian Poetry, the Novel, and the Advent of the Classics (Balsam Room) (7:00-9:00pm)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

Panelist: Maria Rybakova
Title: Reading from Gnedich

Luba Golburt, UC Berkeley
Michael Wachtel, Princeton U

January 7, 8:00am-10:00am

7A-1 Panel: Gogol and his Predecessors (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Virginia Bennett, U of Hawaii-Manoa

Panelist: Mikhail Avrekh, Yale U
Title: Faddey Bulgarin’s statistics and the provincial novel

Panelist: Christina Schwartz, U of Chicago
Title: Pirozhki Papers: Narrative as Abjection in Nikolai Gogols’’s “Ivan Fyodorovich Shponka and his Aunt”

Panelist: Klawa Thresher, Randolph College
Title: Duality in Gogol’s “Notes of a Madman”

Panelist: Yevgeniy Slivkin, U of Oklahoma
Title: The Munchausen Syndrome of a Titular Consular: Gogol’s “Diary of a Madman” and Osipov’s “Ne liubo ne slushai, a lgat’ ne meshai”

7A-10 Roundtable: Best Practices in the Russian Classroom (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up, Overhead Projector, Audio Speakers; Regency C Room)

Panel Chair: Jane Shuffelton, Brighton HS

Panelist: Paavo Husen, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy

Panelist: Elizabeth Lee Roby, Friends School of Baltimore

Panelist: Thomas Garza, U of Texas – Austin

Panelist: Karen Evans-Romaine, U of Wisconsin – Madison

7A-2 Panel: Dostoevsky (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Katya Hokanson, U of Oregon

Panelist: Brian Johnson, Swarthmore College
Title: Synchronicity in Crime and Punishment

Panelist: Alina Wyman, New College of Florida, Division of Humanities
Title: New Uses of Bakhtinian “Consummation” (Zavershenie): A Sample Analysis of The Brothers Karamazov

Panelist: Benjamin Jens, U of Wisconsin – Madison
Title: “Одни только люди, а кругом них молчание вот земля!”: Dostoevskii and L.N. Andreev

7A-3 Panel: Chekhov and the Riddle of the Sphinx: Identity, Change, Scrutiny, Subjectivity (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Cathy Popkin, Columbia U

Panelist: Irina Denishchenko, Columbia U
Title: Masquerade and Identity in Chekhov’s Yuletide Stories

Panelist: Riley Ossorgin, Columbia U
Title: Individual Identity and the Pursuit of Happiness: Kashtanka's Long Day’s Journey into a Three Dog Night

Panelist: Emily Traverse, Columbia U
Title: Unmasking Objectivity: Contingent Categories and the Card-Carrying Lunatic in “Ward 6”

Panelist: Rudolf Niebuurt, Columbia U
Title: Scientific Subjectivity: Judgment, Authority, and the Identity of the Other in The Duel

Cathy Popkin, Columbia U

7A-4 Panel: Russian Literature and Illustration (AV: Overhead Projector; Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Anna Berman, Princeton U

Panelist: Hanna Chuchvaha, U of Alberta
Title: Russian Reinvention of Apollo: Between Archaism and Modernism

Panelist: Timothy Ormond, Grand Valley State U
Title: Themes of Illness and Death in Aleksei Korin’s Illustrations for Anna Karenina

Panelist: Megan Swift, U of Victoria
Title: Thank You for a Happy Childhood! Transforming The Bronze Horseman into a Soviet Children’s Classic 1928-1953

7A-5 Panel: 1920s Russian Literature and Criticism (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: Joanna Kot, Northern Illinois U

Panelist: Lena Doubivko, U of Washington
Title: The Metaphysical Body: Ikhtiander’s Androgyny, Animalism and Divinity in Alexander Belyaev’s Tschelovek-Amphibia

Panelist: Amanda Allan, Northwestern U
Title: Dry as a Rifle: Shklovsky’s Third Factory as Autobiographical Textbook

Panelist: Scott Bartling, Stanford U
Title: Ostranenie in Retrospect: Viktor Shklovsky’s Energy of Delusion

Elise Thorsen, U of Pittsburgh

7A-6 Panel: The Enchanted 60s (Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Colleen McQuillen, U of Illinois at Chicago

Panelist: Margo Rosen, Columbia U
Title: Willis of Oz: How Willis Conover Enchanted The Thaw Generation with His “Jazz Hour” Radio Program

Panelist: Rebecca Stanton, Columbia U
Title: Rewriting the Fairy Tale: The Strugatsky Brothers

Panelist: Catharine Nepomnyashchy, Barnard College/Columbia U
Title: Ada and Bleak House: The Enchanter Reenchants?

Rebecca Pyatkevich, Lewis & Clark College

7A-7 Panel: Post-Soviet Film (AV: DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Olga Mesropova, Iowa State U

Panelist: Erin Alpert, U of Pittsburgh
Title: Revolutionary and Reactionary Reality: The Evolution of Soviet and Post-Soviet Documentary Cinema

Panelist: Irina Makoveeva, CIEE, St. Petersburg State U
Title: Female Subjectivity as Constructed by Women Directors

Panelist: Kirsten Rutsala, U of Oklahoma
Title: Absent Fathers, Silent Mothers: Representations of the Family in Post-Soviet Russian Cinema

Panelist: Beach Gray, U of Pittsburgh
Title: Music in Balabanov

Jason Merrill, Michigan State U

7A-8 Panel: Ukrainian and Belarusian Linguistics (AV: Overhead Projector; Regency G Room)

Panel Chair: James Lavine, Bucknell U

Panelist: Alla Nedashkivska, U of Alberta
Title: Ukrainian Children’s Magazines and Multiple Discursive Images of Childhood in Contemporary Ukraine

Panelist: Elena Syanova, Russian Academy of Sciences
Title: The Problem of Interaction between the Ukrainian and Russian Language Systems in the Territory of Later Settlement

Panelist: Curt Woolhiser, Harvard U
Title: The Russian Language in Belarus: Language Use, Speaker Identities and Metalinguistic Discourse

7A-9 Panel: Investigations of L2 Proficiency (AV: LCD Projector; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: William Comer, U of Kansas

Panelist: Mark Baugher, Bryn Mawr College
Title: Is the Explicit Instruction of L2 Grammar Necessary?

Panelist: William Rivers, National Language Service Corps
Title: Concurrent Validity of the OPI and National Language Service Corps’ Self-Assessments in Russian

Panelist: Tatiana Iakovleva, SFL Laboratoire Structures Formelles du Langage
Title: Typological Constraints in Foreign Language Acquisition: the Expression of Motion by Advanced Russian Learners of English and French

January 7, 1:30pm-3:15pm

7B-1 Roundtable: Journalism, Genre, and Cultural Context in Russian Fiction, 1868-1873: Dostoevsky, Leskov, Ostrovsky (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Alexander Burry, Ohio State U

Panelist: Victoria Thorstensson, U of Wisconsin - Madison

Panelist: Katherine Bowers, Northwestern U

Panelist: Victoria Kononova, U of Wisconsin - Madison

7B-10 Panel: Geographies III: Surveying the Virtual Spaces of Language Learning and Discourse (LCD Projector Set-Up; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Sara Ceilidh Orr, Ohio State U

Panelist: Renee Perelmutter, U of Kansas
Title: Confessional Strategies and Facework in Russian Women’s Discourse Online

Panelist: Victoria Hasko, U of Georgia
Title: Telecollaborative Webcasting for Increased Content and Linguistic Knowledge

Panelist: Julia Mikhailova, Lena Kushnir, U of Toronto
Title: Rushin’ to Keep Up with Today's Online Teaching and Learning Tools: A Demonstration of Innovative Online Russian Language Learning

7B-11 Panel: Poetry Reading: Contemporary Russian Poetry in America (Cedar B Room)

Panel Chair: Maria Khotimsky, Harvard U

Panelist: Julia Nemiroskaya, U of Oregon

Panelist: David Patashinsky

Panelist: Yevgeniy Slivkin, U of Oklahoma

7B-2 Panel: The Authority and Non-Authority of Christ in Silver Age Literature and Philosophy (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Joanna Kot, Northern Illinois U

Panelist: Martha Kelly, U of Missouri-Columbia
Title: A Name in the Hand: Tsvetaeva's Verses to Blok

Panelist: Jeffrey Riggs, UCLA
Title: The Place of Christ in Dmitrii Merezhkovsky’s “New Religious Consciousness”

Panelist: Sean Griffin, UCLA
Title: The Strangeness of Christ in Rozanov’s “Protestant” Poetics

Olga Meerson, Georgetown U

7B-3 Panel: Science as Fiction: Representing Soviet Science in Soviet Culture (AV: DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

Panelist: Susanna Weygandt, Princeton U
Title: Early Soviet Plasticity in the Sciences, Theater, and Dance

Panelist: Muireann Maguire, U of Oxford
Title: From NIICHAVO to Maxwell House: Scientific Institutions in Soviet Sci-Fi

Devin Fore, Princeton U
Julia Vaingurt, U of Illinois at Chicago

7B-4 Panel: Spanning, Selling, and Spying: Eastern European Jews in Early Twentieth- Century Britain (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Barbara Henry, U of Washington

Panelist: Zia Miric, University of Illinois
Title: Israel Zangwill’s East End: Autoethnography of Nationalist Cosmopolitanism

Panelist: Galya Diment, University of Washington
Title: Reilly, Sidney Reilly versus Grisha Rosenblum of Odessa: More BUND than Bond?

Meri-Jane Rochelson, Florida International U

7B-5 Panel: Contemporary Russian Literature (Larch Room)

Panel Chair: Melissa Miller, U of Wisconsin-Madison

Panelist: Shannon Spasova, Dalhousie U
Title: Postmodern Folktales: Video Game Narratives Through a Mythical Lens

Panelist: Irina Anisimova, U of Pittsburgh
Title: Ol’ga Slavnikova’s 2017: A Magical dystopia

Panelist: Julie Hansen, Uppsala U
Title: Stalinism Depicted from a Distance in Aleksandr Terekhov’s Novel Kamennyi most

Panelist: Natalia Vesselova, U of Ottawa
Title: “To Blow Up the Epoch’s Mind”: Edward Limonov’s Epistle to the Galatians

Andrew Chapman, U of Pittsburgh

7B-6 Roundtable: Masculinities in Late Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia (Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Connor Doak, Northwestern U

Panelist: Brian Baer, Kent State U

Panelist: Irina Stakhanova, Bowling Green State U

Panelist: Olga Livshin, U of Alaska

Panelist: Arianna Nowakowski, U of Denver

Panelist: Anthony Qualin, Texas Tech U

Panelist: Benjamin Sutcliffe, Miami U

7B-7: Forum: Contemporary Slavic Scholarship: The Place of Commentary (LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: Thomas Seifrid, USC

Panelist: Ronald Vroon, UCLA
Title: Sumarokov and Khlebnikov

Panelist: Gail Lenhoff, UCLA
Title: The Medieval Period

Panelist: Michael Wachtel, Princeton U
Title: Pushkin

7B-8 Panel: Slavic and Proto-Slavic Linguistics (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Audio Speakers; Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Robert Channon, Purdue U

Panelist: Matthew Feeney, U of Kansas
Title: Proto-Slavic, from Linguistic Data

Malgorzata Szajbel-Keck, UC Berkeley
Cammeron Girvin, UC Berkeley
Johanna Nichols, UC Berkeley
Elizabeth Purdy, UC Berkeley
Title: Highly Noncanonical Adjectives in Slavic Languages

7B-9 Panel: Presentation of L2 Teaching Materials (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Audio Speakers; Regency C Room)

Panel Chair: David Prestel, Michigan State U

Panelist: Stuart Goldberg, Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: New Materials for Advanced Russian Language and Culture through Song: A Demonstration

Panelist: Katya Nemtchinova, Seattle Pacific University
Title: Послушайте!: A New Listening and Speaking Text for Intermediate Russian Language Instruction

Panelist: Yuri Shevchuk, Columbia U
Title: New Textbook: Beginner’s Ukrainian with Online Interactive Workbook

January 7, 3:15pm-5:00pm

7C-1 Panel: Tolstoy’s Thought (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Nina Bond, Columbia U

Panelist: Virginia Bennett, U of Hawaii – Manoa
Title: Solovyovian Aesthetics and Tolstoy’s What Is Art?

Panelist: David Herman, U of Virginia
Title: Paradoxes in Tolstoy’s Moral Thought

7C-10 Workshop: Poetry Translation (Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

7C-11 Workshop: Czech Language Corpora: Tools for Learning, Teaching and Research (LCD Projector Set-Up; Power for Audience; Cedar B Room)

Panel Chair: Václav Cvrček, Institute of the Czech National Corpus

7C-2 Panel: Illustrations on the Run: Books and Pictures in Twentieth-Century Art (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency E Room)

Panel Chair: Caryl Emerson, Princeton U

Panelist: Yuri Tsivian, Daria Khitrova, U of Chicago / UCLA
Title: The Illustrator as Commentator: The Queen of Spades in the Eyes of Benois and Protazanov

Panelist: Nina Gourianova, Northwestern U
Title: Mayakovsky and the Futurist Book

Panelist: Robert Bird, U of Chicago
Title: The Soviet Swift: Gulliver’s travel to Stalinist Animation

Michael Wachtel, Princeton U

7C-3 Panel: Bulgakov (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Brian Johnson, Swarthmore College

Panelist: Christopher Carr, Brown U
Title: Satiety or Freedom: The Unwanted Transfiguration of Sharik in Bulgakov’s Heart of a Dog

Panelist: Natalia Dame, USC
Title: Why is Sharikov Dead or The Fate of Creatures in Frankenstein and Heart of a Dog

Panelist: Zachary Johnson, UC Berkeley
Title: Margarita's Orgasms

7C-4 Panel: Contemporary Russian and Ukrainian Art and Media (AV: LCD Projector; Audio Speakers; DVD Player; Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Rebecca Jane Stanton, Columbia U

Panelist: Olena Martynyuk, Rutgers U
Title: Phantasmagoria as a Social Commentary: Arsen Savadov’s Series “Donbas-Chocolate”

Panelist: Olga Mesropova, Iowa State U
Title: Conflict, Solitude, and Growing Up in Russia: Docufictional Serialization of School Life in Valeriia Gai Germanika’s “Shkola”

Panelist: Elena Boudovskaia, Vassar College
Title: A Guy with Dollars and others: mythical characters in Russian Internet folklore (Based on materials from bash.org.ru)

7C-5 Panel: Jewish-Slavic Cultural Intersections (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up, DVD Player, Overhead Projector, Audio Speakers; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Kinga Kosmala, U of Chicago

Panelist: Irena Avsenik Nabergoj, Scientific Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Title: Stereotypes of Jews in Slovenian Literature

Panelist: Marat Grinberg, Reed College
Title: Poetics of Influence: The Case of Boris Slutsky and Yehudah Amichai

Panelist: Ofer Dynes, Harvard U
Title: The secret life of a script – on the production of “Border Street” as a site of Jewish-Polish memory negotiation

Natalia Vesselova, U of Ottawa

7C-6 Panel: Vampires (Larch Room)

Panel Chair: Elise Thorsen, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Erin Collopy, Texas Tech U
Title: Sexual Anxiety and Death in Aleksei Tolstoy’s Vampire Tales

Panelist: Stoyan Tchaprazov
Title: Vampires in Human Flesh: Representations of the Slovaks and Gypsies in Bram Stoker’s Dracula

Panelist: Rita Heath, Ambrose University College
Title: Soviet Gothic: Eating in Hell in Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita

7C-7 Panel: Intersection of Russian and English (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up, Overhead Projector; Regency G Room)

Panel Chair: Yelena Belyaeva-Standen, Saint Louis U

Panelist: Irina Dubinina, Brandeis U
Title: Requests in Heritage Russian: A Case Study

Panelist: Emilia Bikbulatova Oswalt, U of Wisconsin – Eau Claire
Title: Russian-English Prosodic Interference Affecting Communication

Panelist: Veronika Egorova, U of Washington
Title: Ellipsis and Imposition in Advertising Discourse

7C-8 Panel: Methodological Innovations (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Maria Shardakova, Indiana U

Panelist: Maia Solovieva, Oberlin College
Title: Teaching Cultural Symbols through Art

Panelist: Filip Zachoval, Iowa State U
Title: Project-Based Learning: Curricular Modifications for a Changed World

Panelist: Ksana Blank, Princeton U
Title: Learning Language Through Literature: Twisted Idioms in Gogol’s “Nose”

7C-9: Forum: Первый Круг: A Concise, Thorough, and Effective First-Year Russian Course (LCD Projector Set-Up; Audio Speakers; Cedar C Room)

Panel Chair: Donna Oliver, Beloit College

Edie Furniss, Pennsylvania State U

January 7, 5:00pm-7:00pm

7D-1: Seminar: Pushkin’s Poetry and its Romantic Contexts (Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Boris Gasparov, Columbia U

7E-1 Panel: Film Screening: My Perestroika (Regency E Room)

January 8, 9:00am-11:00am

8A-1 Panel: Silver Age Poetry (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Molly Thomasy Blasing, U of Wisconsin-Madison

Panelist: Emily Wang, Princeton U
Title: From Beatrice to Dante: The Poetic Path of Anna Akhmatova

Panelist: Denis Zhernokleyev, Princeton U
Title: Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Idea of Confession: The Relationship between Text and Memory in Infancy

Panelist: Joseph Schlegel, U of Toronto
Title: Reflections of Time in Andrei Bely’s Gold in Azure: Linear and Cyclical Approaches to an Eternal Perspective

8A-2 Panel: Automata, Robots, Clones: Anthropomorphism in Twentieth-Century Russian and Eastern European Culture (DVD Player; Madrona Room)

Panel Chair: Margo Rosen, Columbia U

Panelist: Julia Vaingurt, U of Illinois at Chicago
Title: From the Age of Robots to the Age of Clones: Unwholesome Copies in Karel Capek’s RUR and Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go

Panelist: Jacob Emery, Indiana U
Title: Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Cloning as Metatext in 20th-Century Science Fiction

Panelist: Colleen McQuillen, U of Illinois at Chicago
Title: The Cinematic Kunstkamera: Grotesque Animations by Wladislaw Starewicz

Julia Chadaga, Macalester College

8A-3 Panel: Stagnation-Era Soviet Culture (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: Olga Klimova, U of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Maksym Klymentyev
Title: Countdown to the Great Victory: Fetishization of Historical Time in Tatyana Lioznova’s Seventeen Instants of Spring and Vladimir Bogomolov’s In August of 1944

Panelist: Alexandra Kostina, Rhodes College
Title: The Role of Folkloric Phrasal Units in Explicating the Concepts of Life and Death in V. Rasputin’s The Last Term

Panelist: Andrew Chapman, U of Pittsbugh
Title: From Kul'turnost' to Trofeinost': The Phantasmagoria of Everyday Consumption in Stagnation Culture

Olga Klimova, U of Pittsburgh

8A-4 Panel: Polish Literature (Laurel Room)

Panel Chair: Martin Bidney, SUNY Binghamton

Panelist: Justin Wilmes, Ohio State U
Title: Dramatizing Dualism: The Use of the Literary Double in Prus’s The Doll

Panelist: Joanna Kot, Northern Illinois U
Title: The Image of Family in Polish “Women's Drama”: 1930s and post-1989

Panelist: Svetlana Vassileva-Karagyozova, Kansas U
Title: The Initiation Novels of Poland’s Last Communist Generation

Panelist: Kinga Kosmala, U of Chicago
Title: Ryszard Kapuściński’s “Travels with Herodotus”: Reportage from the Self

8A-5 Panel: South Slavic Linguistics (AV: Overhead Projector; Juniper Room)

Panel Chair: Cynthia Vakareliyska, U of Oregon

Panelist: Traci Lindsey, UC Berkeley
Title: Does Bulgarian Have Motion Verbs?

Panelist: Steven Franks, Indiana U
Title: When Morphology Trumps Meaning: The Case of Slovenian Adjectives

8A-6 Panel: Flagship: Changing the Assessment Paradigm (AV: LCD Projector; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Sandra Freels, Portland State U

Panelist: Karen Evans-Romaine, Anna Tumarkin, U of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Assessing Writing at Intermediate and Advanced Levels

Panelist: Olga Kagan, Anna Kudyma, UCLA
Title: The Russian Federation’s Tests of Russian as a Foreign Language as Practice Tests in the Flagship Program

Panelist: Maria Lekic, American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
Title: Assessment in the Russian Overseas Flagship

Dzhamilia Dvinyatina, St. Petersburg State U
Darya Kolesova, St. Petersburg State U
Olga Ryabova, St. Petersburg State U

8A-7 Roundtable: Putting Together a Course (Cedar B Room)

Panel Chair: Julia Mikhailova, U of Toronto

Julia Mikhailova, U of Toronto
Timothy Ormond, Grand Valley State U
Yana Hashamova, Ohio State U

January 8, 12:00pm-1:45pm

8B-1 Panel: Nineteenth-Century Russian Poetry (Balsam Room)

Panel Chair: Michael Wachtel, Princeton U

Panelist: Jenny Barrier, U of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Title: Unseeing Eyes and Uncomprehending Hearts: Isaiah 6:9-13 and Pushkin’s “Пророк”

Panelist: Martin Bidney, SUNY-Binghamton
Title: Pushkin and Muhammad: Prophetic Heart Excision

Panelist: Elena Clark, U of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Title: “There like vast waters flowed together sea and sky”: “Finland” and Finland in the work of E. A. Baratynsky

Panelist: Erin Grimm, UC Davis
Title: Hidden Resonance: Physical Focalization in Novalis and Tiutchev

8B-2 Panel: Late Nineteenth-Century Drama (Birch Room)

Panel Chair: William Gunn, USC

Panelist: Mila Shevchenko, U of Denver
Title: The Advent and (Melo)drama of the “New People”: Al. Sumbatov-Iuzhin’s Play The Arkazanovs (1886)

Panelist: Lisa Yountchi, U of Pennsylvania
Title: Killing Ivanov: Chekhov and Suicide

Brian Johnson, Swarthmore College

8B-3 Panel: Stalinist-Era Culture (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up, DVD Player; Regency E Room)

Panelist: Tatyana Gershkovich, Harvard U
Title: Poetry Brought into the Street as a Poster: The Agitational Aim of Dialectical Reading in For the Voice

Panelist: Jonathan Platt, U of Pittsburgh
Title: The Architectural Cult of Lenin, between Mummy and Colossus

Panelist: Geoffrey Cebula, Princeton U
Title: “Я Бог но с топором!!”: Daniil Kharms as Author of Violence

8B-4 Panel: Czech Linguistics: Varieties of Czech (AV: LCD Projector Set-Up; Regency F Room)

Panel Chair: Susan Kresin, UCLA

Panelist: Lida Cope, John Tomeček, East Carolina U, Texas A & M U
Title: From Documentation to Revitalization: The Case of Czech as a Heritage Language in Texas

Panelist: Václav Cvrček, Charles U, Prague
Title: SyD - A Learners' Tool for Exploring Variability in Language Corpora of Czech

Panelist: Masako Fidler, Brown U
Title: Emergent Meanings-Functions of Czech Onomatopoeia

8B-5 Panel: Acquisition of L2 Socio-Pragmatics (LCD Projector, Overhead Projector; Cedar A Room)

Panel Chair: Victoria Hasko, U of Georgia

Panelist: Beata Moskala-Gallaher, Bryn Mawr College; Swarthmore College
Title: The Speech Act Set of Direct Complaints: Language and Culture-Specific Features of Direct Complaints of American Speakers, Russian Native Speakers, and American Learners of Russian

Panelist: Olena Sivachenko, U of Alberta
Title: The Learning of Sociolinguistic Variation by Advanced Ukrainian Second Language Learners