Conference Overview

See below for the preliminary schedule of panels and papers, workshops, and roundtables. The program is subject to change.

Many special events are planned for the 2011 AATSEEL Conference, including a keynote address by Victor Friedman on Families, Leagues, and Hybridity: The Past and Future of Slavic and East European Languages; a master class led by William Mills Todd III on Approaching the Nineteenth-Century Novel as Art Form, Enterprise, and Institution; workshops led by Marina Brodskaya, William J. Comer, Sibelan Forrester, Irina Paperno, and Richard Robin; a departmental chairs and deans meeting organized by Susan McReynolds Oddo and Thomas Seifrid, roundtables on works in progress, coffee conversations with leading scholars such as Victor Friedman, Gerald Janecek, Benjamin Rifkin, Andrew Wachtel, and Michael Wachtel; a job interviewing workshop, led by Jane Hacking; and three Russian poetry readings.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

3:00pm – 7:00 pm Exhibitor Set-Up (Room: San Gabriel)
5:00pm - 7:00pm Conference Registration (Room: Skylight Arcade)
5:00pm - 7:00pm AATSEEL Program Committee Meeting (Room: Santa Monica)
7:00pm - 9:00pm Job Interviewing Workshop: Coordinator, Jane Hacking, University of Utah (Room: Pasadena I)
8:00pm - 10:00pm AATSEEL Executive Council Meeting (Room: Del Mar)
10:00pm Reception for Graduate Students (Room: Pasadena II)

Friday, January 7, 2011

7:30am – 6:00pm Conference Registration (Room: Skylight Arcade)
8:00am - 10:00am SLAVA/OLYMPIADA Breakfast (Room: Pasadena II)
9:00am – 4:30pm Exhibit Hall (Room: San Gabriel)
8:00am - 10:00am Conference Panels: 7A
10:00am - 10:45am Complimentary Coffee Break (Room: Exhibit Hall/San Gabriel)
10:45am - 12:45pm Conference Panels: 7B
12:45pm - 2:15pm Language Coordinators' Luncheon
2:15pm - 4:15pm Conference Panels: 7C
4:00pm - 5:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Andrew Wachtel, Northwestern University, and Michael Wachtel, Princeton University (Room: Sacramento)
4:30pm - 7:00pm ACTR Board Meeting (Room: San Marino)
5:30pm - 6:30pm AATSEEL Graduate Student Committee Meeting (Room: Santa Clara)
7:00pm - 9:00pm Russian Poetry Reading: Featured Poet: Alexei Tsvetkov (Room: San Marino)
5:00pm – 7:00pm Departmental Chairs and Deans Meeting (Room: Pasadena II)
9:00pm - 11:00pm AATSEEL President’s Reception and Awards Ceremony (Room: California)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

7:30am – 5:00pm Conference Registration (Room: Skylight Arcade)
8:00am - 10:00am Conference Panels: 8A
9:00am – 4:30pm Exhibit Hall (Room: San Gabriel)
10:00am - 11:00am AATSEEL Business Meeting (Room: California)
11:00am – 12:00pm Keynote Address: Victor Friedman. Families, Leagues, and Hybridity: The Past and Future of Slavic and East European Languages (Room: California)
12:00pm – 1:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Victor Friedman, University of Chicago (Room: San Marino)
1:15pm - 3:15pm Conference Panels: 8B
3:15pm - 3:45pm Complimentary Coffee Break (Room: Exhibit Hall/San Gabriel)
3:45pm - 5:45pm Conference Panels: 8C

ACTR General Membership Meeting (Room: San Marino)
6:00pm–7:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Gerald Janecek, University of Kentucky; Slavic and East European Journal (Room: Sacramento)

International Association of Teachers of Czech Meeting (Room: Del Mar)
7:00pm - 9:00pm Marina Brodskaya, Workshop: Translating Chekhov: From Text to Stage (Room: Pasadena I): Actors: Karen Landry, Chris Mulkey, Sharon Chatten, Zach Book

Sunday, January 9, 2011

8:00am - 10:00am AATSEEL Executive Council Meeting (Room: Del Mar)
9:00am - 11:00am Conference Panels: 9A
9:00am - 12:00pm Exhibit Hall (Room: San Gabriel)
11:00am - 12:00pm Coffee with Leading Scholars: Benjamin Rifkin, The College of New Jersey (Room: San Marino)
11:00am – 12:00pm AATSEEL Program Committee Meeting (Room: Santa Monica)
12:15am - 2:15pm Conference Panels: 9B


January 7, 2011 8:00am-10:00am

7A-1 Panel: Pushkin (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Catherine O'Neil, United States Naval Academy

Panelist: Kathleen Scollins, University of Vermont
Title: Cursing at the Whirlwind: The Book of Job Subtext of Bronze Horseman

Panelist: Anastasia Kostetskaya, Ohio State University
Title: Narod bezmolvstvuet: avoidance of moral responsibility in Pushkin's “Oprichnik”

Panelist: Amanda Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Preserve Your Honor, Whether Naked or In Rags: An Analysis of Mar'ia Ivanovna's Apparel in The Captain's Daughter

7A-10 Panel: Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: James Wilson, University of Leeds

Panelist: Natalya Bogoslavskaya, University of Leeds (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: The Use of Corpora and Other Electronic Resources in Teaching Russian: Methodology and Results

Panelist: Natalia Kazakova, Columbia University
Title: Listening Comprehension on the Internet: Media Technologies in the Foreign Language Teaching Process

Panelist: Biljana Belamaric Wilsey, North Carolina State University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: Beyond the Textbook: Four Easy-to-use Twenty-first-Century Technologies for Teaching East European Languages and Cultures Effectively

7A-11: Workshop: Editing Video for Language Purposes (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: Richard Robin, George Washington University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)

7A-2 Panel: Isolation and Empathy in Dostoevsky (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Leeore Schnairsohn, Princeton University

Panelist: Mark Pettus, Independent Scholar
Title: The Closed Threshold: Space as Interlocutor in Dostoevsky

Panelist: Alyson Tapp, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Embarrassment and Empathy in Dostoevsky's Idiot

Panelist: Alina Wyman, New College of Florida
Title: The Progress of Dostoevsky's Ideal Hero: From The Idiot to The Brothers Karamazov

Katherine Bowers, Northwestern University

7A-3 Panel: “Vnov’ ia posetil...”: Revisiting the Russian Elegy (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Sarah Pratt, University of Southern California

Panelist: David Houston, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Figuring Loss: Baratynsky’s “Zapustenie”

Panelist: Molly Thomasy Blasing, University of Wisconsin-Madison (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Death, Still Remains: Marina Tsvetaeva and the Poetics of Photography

Emily Klenin, University of California-Los Angeles

7A-4 Panel: The Economics of Culture (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: Thomas Seifrid, University of Southern California

Panelist: Oleg Minin, Glendale College
Title: Repression, Fame, Fortune: Soviet Unofficial Art and Bourdieu’s Theory of Cultural Production

Panelist: Yuri Leving, Dalhousie University
Title: The Writer as His Own Literary Agent (Vladimir Nabokov and his Publishers)

Panelist: Frederick White, Utah Valley University
Title: Fathers and Sons…and Stepmothers: Vadim Andreev’s memoir of childhood

Gabriella Safran, Stanford University

7A-5 Panel: Pavel Florensky: Priest and Polymath (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: Yuri Corrigan, College of Wooster

Panelist: Riley Ossorgin, Columbia University
Title: Florensky's Betrothal Service for Monks

Panelist: Tim Portice, Princeton University
Title: Florensky’s Sublime Jealousy

Panelist: Lindsay Ceballos, Princeton University
Title: “Ot berega k beregu”: the Artist and the Imaginary in Florensky’s “Iconostasis” and “Imaginary Numbers in Geometry”

Olga Meerson, Georgetown University

7A-6 Panel: Post-Soviet Popular Culture (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Jason Merrill, Michigan State University

Panelist: Mark Swift, University of Auckland (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Religious Motifs in Sergei Luk'ianenko’s Watch (Dozor) Trilogy

Panelist: Olga Mesropova, Iowa State University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; DVD player)
Title: Ugly Katya: Ne rodis’ krasivoi Series and the Putin-Era Television Culture

7A-7 Panel: Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky: To Begin Being (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Anne Fisher, Independent Scholar

Panelist: Alisa Ballard, Princeton University
Title: Krzhizhanovsky and the Problem of ‘Byt’

Panelist: Caryl Emerson, Princeton University
Title: Krzhizhanovsky as a Critic of Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw

Panelist: Karen Rosenflanz, The College of St. Scholastica
Title: The Eyes Have It

Anne Fisher, Independent Scholar

7A-8 Roundtable: Venerating the Beloved (Room: Sacramento)

Panel Chair: Alexander Burry, Ohio State University

Panelist: Valeria Nollan, Rhodes College

Panelist: Ruth Rischin, Independent Scholar

Panelist: Catherine Legouis, Mount Holyoke College

Panelist: Jamilya Nazyrova, Ohio University

7A-9 Panel: Slavic Morphosyntax (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: George Fowler, Indiana University

Panelist: Hyug Ahn, Yonsei University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Investigation of Multiple Semantic Interactions in Russian Prefixed Verbs of Motion

Panelist: S. Spencer Robinson, Ohio State University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Is Russian idti Undergoing Grammaticalization?

Panelist: John Korba, University of Kansas
Title: A Diachronic Approach to the Connection Between Case and Aspect in Slavic

January 7, 10:45am-12:45pm

7B-1 Panel: The Age of Catherine the Great (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Alyson Tapp, University of California-Berkeley

Panelist: Matthew Birkhold, Princeton University
Title: O Vremia! The Changing Times of Catherine the Great’s Pedagogical Thought

Panelist: Geoffrey Cebula, Princeton University
Title: Sympathy for the Rebel: The Appeal to Fellow Feeling in Radishchev’s Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow

Panelist: Valeria Nollan, Rhodes College (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: The Italian-Russian Connection: Catherine the Great’s Reception of Italian Composers, Writers, and Architects at Her Court

7B-10: Works in Progress I (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: Molly Thomasy Blasing, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Panelist: Emily Klenin, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: What Was Fet Thinking? Practical Translation in Context

Panelist: Olga Yokoyama, University of California-Los Angeles (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Translation as Discourse

Panelist: Alexander Zholkovsky, University of Southern California
Title: Infinitive Poetry, Relevance of Linguistics and Other Issues in the Analysis of the Poetic Text

Panelist: Ronald Vroon, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Writing the History of the Russian Lyric Sequence: Problems and Perspectives

Panelist: Marcus Levitt, University of Southern California
Title: My Eighteenth- and Twenty-First-Century Projects

7B-2 Panel: Tolstoy and the Philosophical Tradition (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Valeria Sobol, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign

Panelist: Lina Steiner, University of Chicago
Title: Between Philosophy and Theology: Tolstoy in the 1870s

Panelist: Jeff Love, Clemson University
Title: The Middle Tolstoy

Panelist: Susan McReynolds Oddo, Northwestern University
Title: Eichmann in Petersburg: Ivan Ilych and the Banality of Evil

7B-3 Panel: Literature and Culture of the Stalinist Era (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Rebecca Reich, Harvard University

Panelist: Anzhelika Khyzhnya, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Taming the Narrator: Zoshchenko’s Letters to the Writer and the Problem of Skaz

Panelist: Elena Svetikova, Independent Scholar
Title: Innovation and Traditions in Georgij Ivanov’s “Raspad atoma”

Panelist: Maria Khotimsky, Harvard University
Title: The Cathedral of Our Former Glory: Nikolai Zabolotsky’s Translation of The Igor Tale

Panelist: James Goodwin, University of Florida
Title: The Literary Saga of Narodnaia Volia Before and After Stalin

7B-4 Panel: 1920s Prose (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: William Leidy, Stanford University

Panelist: Yelena Zotova, University of Illinois-Chicago (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: Alexander Grin’s The Scarlet Sails: The Red Cinderella?

Panelist: Tatiana Filimonova, Northwestern University
Title: Boris Pilniak’s Eurasianist Pursuit

Panelist: Conor Klamann, Northwestern University
Title: Historical Repetition and the Problem of Allegory in Boris Pil'niak's Volga vpadaet v Kaspiiskoe more

7B-5 Panel: Contemporary Russian Literature (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: David McVey, Ohio State University

Panelist: Jacob Edmond, University of Otago (AV: LCD/computer set-up; speakers)
Title: Dmitrii Prigov’s Iterative Poetics

Panelist: Christine Dunbar, Princeton University
Title: Бронзовый Пушкин: On the Image of Pushkin in Prigov's Work

Panelist: Carmen Finashina, Northwestern University
Title: Maternity as a non-static role in Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s Медея и ее дети

Nancy Condee, University of Pittsburgh

7B-6 Panel: Art, Trauma, and Politics of the Former Yugoslavia (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Olga Mesropova, Iowa State University

Panelist: Vladislav Beronja, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Title: The Berlin Text in Post-Yugoslav Literature: Politics of Memory, Trauma, and the Condition of Post-Exile

Panelist: Lenka Pánkova, Metropolitan University of Prague (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Back to the Swamp(s): The Femme Fatale Myth in Miroslav Krleža’s The Return of Philip Latinowicz

7B-7 Panel: Poetry Translation Workshop (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

7B-8 Panel: Russian-Western Cross-Cultural Communication (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: Irina Mikaelian, Pennsylvania State University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)

Panelist: Anna Zalizniak, Institute of Linguistics, RAN
Title: Connecting People in Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Panelist: Galina Denissova, University of Pisa
Title: Русско-итальянское «свое» и «чужое»: заимствования в межкультурной коммуникации

Panelist: Dmitrij Dobrovolskij, Institute of the Russian Language, RAN
Title: Russian Idioms and their German Equivalents: Cross-Linguistic and Cross- Cultural Perspectives

Panelist: Irina Levontina, Institute of the Russian Language, RAN
Title: Odd Man In: Xenomarkers in Russian

7B-9 Workshop: Between Learner and Text: Mapping out a Pedagogy of Reading at the Intermediate Level (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: William J. Comer, University of Kansas (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)

January 7, 2:15pm-4:15pm

7C-1 Panel: Gogol (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Esther Peters, University of Chicago

Panelist: Daisuke Adachi, Hokkaido University
Title: Gogol in Mirrorland: Voice, Writing, and Self-Reference in Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends

Panelist: Maksim Klymentyev, Independent Scholar
Title: Vagaries of Perception: the Sensory Organisation of Nikolai Gogol’s Dead Souls

Panelist: Irina Ikonsky, Harvard University
Title: Gogol’s Textual Icons: The Medieval Influence in “Christmas Eve”

7C-10 Roundtable: Using Beginner’s Russian (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Frank Miller, Columbia University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)

Panelist: Anna Kudyma, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Susan Kresin, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Olga Dobrunoff, Columbia University

7C-11 Roundtable: Your Academic Shelf Life: Staying in Academia When the Jobs are Scarce (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Anna Berman, Princeton University

Panelist: Sarah Bishop, Willamette University

Panelist: Michal Oklot, Brown University

Panelist: Mark Pettus, Independent Scholar

Panelist: Sarah Pratt, University of Southern California

7C-2 Panel: Dostoevsky in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: Alexander Burry, Ohio State University

Panelist: Jesse Menefee, Princeton University
Title: Phantoms of Guilt: The Dostoevskyan Subtext of Sologub’s Bad Dreams

Panelist: Evgeniya Koroleva, CUNY Graduate Center
Title: The Notes from Underground Intertext in Nabokov’s Despair

Panelist: Inna Tigountsova, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Title: Life after Death? Fedor Dostoevsky’s Bobok: From Someone Else’s Diary and Liudmila Petrushevskaia’s Number One, or in the Gardens of Other Opportunities

7C-3 Panel: Crossing the Terek: Rethinking Russian Orientalism (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Mark Swift, University of Auckland

Panelist: David Powelstock, Brandeis University
Title: Othering the Self: Exile, Selfhood, and Russian Orientalism

Panelist: Catherine O'Neil, United States Naval Academy
Title: Griboedov in Tiflis: Georgia in Russian Romanticism

Panelist: Katya Hokanson, University of Oregon
Title: Reiterations of Journey to Arzrum

Nina Wieda, Northwestern University

7C-4 Panel: Silver Age Poetry (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: Jon Stone, Franklin & Marshall College

Panelist: Emily Wang, Princeton University
Title: An Intertextual Interpretation of Nikolai Gumilev’s “Zabludivshiisia tramvai”

Panelist: Tatiana Osipovich, Lewish and Clark College
Title: «Безмолвная» любовь: лесбийские мотивы в поэзии Зинаиды Гиппиус

Panelist: Jessica Sanders, University of Southern California
Title: “You see, I have no children . . . Sometimes it seems to me that I am mother to all”—Elena Guro as the Symbolist Mother of a Futurist God

Panelist: Ana Olenina, Harvard University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Zvuk-dvizhenie: Viktor Shklovsky on the Psychophysiology of the Poetic Act

Kirsten Lodge, Columbia University

7C-5 Panel: Translating Poetry and Prose (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College

Panelist: Alexander Burak, University of Florida
Title: Soviet Legacy in the “Enlivening” Russian Translations of English Fiction

Panelist: Timothy Sergay, SUNY-Albany
Title: Pasternak’s Shakespeare Under the Magnifying Glass (Pasternak, Nikiforovskaia, and Chukovsky)

Panelist: Anne Fisher, Independent Scholar
Title: On Translating Ilf and Petrov’s The Twelve Chairs and The Little Golden Calf

7C-6 Panel: Lives of the Slavic Poets: Morality, Immorality, Amorality (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: Michael Wachtel, Princeton University

Panelist: Julia Trubikhina, Hunter College
Title: Elena Shvarts: The Poet’s Life in Paradoxes of Life–Creation

Panelist: Leeore Schnairsohn, Princeton University
Title: “Воскресну я сказать...”: Osip Mandelstam as Translator and Translated

Panelist: Lejla Marijam, University of Georgia-Athens
Title: Morality by Any Other Name: The Poetry of Drago Štambuk, Goran Šimić and Miloš Komadina

Stephanie Sandler, Harvard University

7C-7 Roundtable: Choosing and Using Translations in the Undergraduate Classroom (Room: Sacramento)

Panel Chair: Michael Heim, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Caryl Emerson, Princeton University

Panelist: Harsha Ram, University of California-Berkeley

Panelist: Russell Valentino, University of Iowa

7C-8 Panel: Sociolinguistic Issues (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Yelena Belyaeva-Standen, Saint Louis University

Panelist: Maria Polski, East-West University
Title: Theory of Language in the Information Age: Marshall McLuhan and Yuri Rozhdestvensky

Panelist: Mark Nuckols, Independent Scholar
Title: Slovak Linguistic Purism Old and New: From the 1930s to the 2000s

Panelist: Andrew Corin, Defense Language Institute (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Forensic Translation: Public and Private Texts of Former Yugoslav Political and Military Leaders

Panelist: Veronika Egorova, University of Washington (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: The Pragmatic Function of Questions in Russian TV Commercials

7C-9 Panel: Curriculum Enhancement and Methodology Innovation in Language Education (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: Viktorija Lejko-Lacan, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Thomas Garza, University of Texas-Austin (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: That’s Intensive!: The Intensive Model of Instruction Revisited in the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom

Panelist: Stuart Goldberg, Georgia Institute of Technology (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: Advanced Language and Culture through Song

Panelist: Maia Solovieva, Oberlin College (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: Cultural Identity in the Language Classroom: Creating Personal Meanings and Constructing Intercultural Dialogues

Panelist: Benjamin Rifkin, The College of New Jersey (AV: overhead projector)
Title: The Russian Language, Literature and Culture Curriculum and the Liberal Arts in the 21st Century

January 7, 7:00pm-9:00pm

7D-1 Panel: AATSEEL Featured Poet: A Reading and Discussion (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Keren Klimovsky, Brown University

Panelist: Aleksei Tsvetkov, New York

Stephanie Sandler, Harvard University

January 8, 8:00am-10:00am

8A-1 Panel: Reexaminations of Anna Karenina (Room: Pasadena II)

Panel Chair: Nancy Condee, University of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Alexander Burry, Ohio State University
Title: Stiva Oblonsky and Tolstoy's Failed National Ideal

Panelist: Kevin McKenna, University of Vermont
Title: “Na Poslovitsu ni Suda, ni Raspravy”: A Paremiological Approach to Leo Tolstoy’s Novel, Anna Karenina

Panelist: Melissa Miller, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Story of an Unknown Man: Chekhov’s Unknown Response to Tolstoy

Tatiana Filimonova, Northwestern University

8A-10 Panel: Enhancing the Efficacy of Reading Instruction (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Julia Titus, Yale University

Panelist: Filip Zachoval, University of Texas-Austin
Title: The Effect of Implementing a Reading Project on Russian Students’ Reading Comprehension

Panelist: Elena Atitsogbui, North Dakota State University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Do you mind MIND MAPS for mapping minds?

Panelist: William J. Comer, University of Kansas (AV: overhead projector)
Title: What Happens When Learners Meet Russian Texts? Evidence from Think Aloud Protocols

8A-11 Roundtable: Best Practices in the Russian Classroom (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Jane Shuffleton, Brighton High School (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)

Panelist: Tony Brown, Brigham Young University

Panelist: Elena Farkas, Turnagain Elementary School

Panelist: Richard Robin, George Washington University

Panelist: Elizabeth Sandstrom, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology

8A-2 Panel: New Perspectives on Oblomov: The Text in Context (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Séamas O’Driscoll, Northwestern University

Panelist: Katherine Bowers, Northwestern University
Title: Oblomov’s Nightmare: Gothic Anxiety and the Anti-Pastoral

Panelist: Nina Wieda, Northwestern University
Title: Spending and Saving in Oblomov

Panelist: Cameron Wiggins, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Goncharov’s Oblomov: Comedy on the Stage of the Novel

Galya Diment, University of Washington

8A-3 Panel: Early Twentieth-Century Russian Culture (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Evgeniya Koroleva, CUNY Graduate Center

Panelist: Natalia Dame, University of Southern California
Title: Censorship and the Russian Satirical Journals of 1905-06: The Battle for Freedom of Speech

Panelist: Boris Dralyuk, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: “As Many Street Cops as Corners”: Displacing 1905 in the Pinkertons

Panelist: Keren Klimovsky, Brown University
Title: The Myth of Language in Sologub’s Petty Demon

8A-4 Panel: Dialogues and Intertexts in Russian Poetry and Prose (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Chloe Kitzinger, University of California-Berkeley

Panelist: Svetlana Corwin, Belmont Abbey College
Title: “Dom bez krom”: Boris Pasternak’s Adoption of the Rilkean Uncanny Poetics

Panelist: Ilja Gruen, Stanford University
Title: Safe Conduct through Hades: Pasternak's Autobiography as a Requiem

Panelist: Stephen Blackwell, University of Tennessee
Title: Comparative Epistemologies: Tolstoy, Chekhov, Nabokov

8A-5 Panel: The Other in Russian and East European Culture (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panelist: Stoyan Tchaprazov, Drake University
Title: Imagining Europe: Two Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian Perspectives

Panelist: Elena Monastireva-Andsell, Colby College (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Prisoners, Savages, Beautiful Maidens: Representations of the Ethnic Other in Yeltsin-era Cinema

Panelist: Jason Merrill, Michigan State University
Title: Brotherhood, the Caucasus, and National Identity in Post-Soviet Film

Panelist: Yuliya Ilchuk, Colgate University
Title: Faddei Bulgarin’s Bad Times: Sketches of Russian Morals: Mobility, Mimicry, and National Identity

8A-6 Roundtable: In Memory of Elena Shvarts (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: Catherine Ciepiela, Amherst College

Panelist: Sarah Pratt, University of Southern California

Panelist: Julia Trubikhina, Hunter College

Panelist: Stephanie Sandler, Harvard University

Panelist: Michael Wachtel, Princeton University

Panelist: James McGavran, Princeton University

8A-7 Panel: Russian Rock Music (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Charles Arndt, Union College

Panelist: Rita Safariants, Yale University (AV: DVD/VCR; speakers)
Title: The Cinematic Kino: Viktor Tsoi and the Structure of the Soviet Rock Film

Panelist: Ekaterina Fleishman, Defense Language Institute (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: “In the Beginning was the Word”: Interplay of Verbal and Musical Components in Russian Rock

8A-8 Panel: Danilo Kiš in Comparative Context (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: Ayako Oku, Harvard University

Panelist: Tomislav Longinovic, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: The Post-Authoritarian Connection: Politics and the Fantastic in Kiš and Borges

Panelist: Sibelan Forrester, Swarthmore College
Title: The Aesthetic is the Political: Danilo Kiš’s Creative Relationship with Russia and the USSR

Ani Kokobobo, Columbia University

8A-9 Panel: South Slavic Dialectology (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: James Lavine, Bucknell University

Panelist: Miriam Shrager, Indiana University
Title: The Accentuation of Masculine Nouns in the Susak Dialect Spoken in New Jersey: New Findings

Panelist: Matthew Curtis, Ohio State University
Title: Macedonian-Albanian Bilingualism: On the have Perfect in Western Macedonian

January 8, 1:15pm-3:15pm

8B-1 Panel: Russian-Western Literary Intersections (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: S. Ceilidh Orr, Ohio State University

Panelist: Mikhail Avrekh, Yale University
Title: Where is Liza? Where is Ellenore? Situating Eastern European Heroines within the Late Eighteenth-Century Geographic Discourse

Panelist: Anna Krivoruchko, University of Southern California
Title: Law, Justice and Mercy in Russian and English Literatures

Panelist: Kevin O'Brien, Chapman University
Title: Tolstoy’s Influence on Virginia Woolf

Panelist: Nataliya Gavrilova, CUNY-Graduate Center
Title: T. S. Eliot’s Four Quartets in the Perception of Anna Akhmatova and Joseph Brodsky

8B-10 Panel: Teaching Reading Strategies to the Students of Russian (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: William Comer, University of Kansas (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)

Panelist: Meghan Murphy-Lee, Bates College
Title: The Effect of Learning Style on Reading Comprehension in the 2nd Year: Theory and Practice

Panelist: Julia Titus, Yale University
Title: Approaches to Teaching an Authentic Literary Text at the Advanced Level

Panelist: Alla Smyslova, Columbia University
Title: Improving the Reading Skills of Heritage Learners

8B-11 Panel: Russian Lyrical Poetry in the 21st Century: A Reading and Discussion (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Svetlana Corwin, Belmont Abbey College

Panelist: Elena Suntsova, New York

Panelist: Leonid Drozner, New York

Panelist: Rafael Levchin, REFLECT/KUADUSESHCHT

Panelist: Andrei Filimonov, Tomsk

Maria Khotimsky, Harvard University

8B-2 Panel: Predecessors and Transpositions of Chekhov’s Works (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Sharon Lubkemann Allen, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, State University of New York-Brockport

Panelist: Justin Wilmes, Ohio State University
Title: Griboedov’s Woe from Wit: A Tragi-comedy in the Chekhovian Spirit

Panelist: Sarah Clovis Bishop, Willamette University
Title: Kama Ginkas’s Little Trilogy: Three Chekhov Stories on the Stage

Panelist: Tatiana Alenkina, Independent Scholar
Title: The Seagull by Anton Chekhov in a Postmodern Version of Tom Stoppard (1997)

Panelist: Nikita Nankov
Title: The Algorithm of the Utterance in the Poetics of Chekhov's Prose Fiction

8B-3 Panel: Holy Foolishness and Madness in Russian and Soviet Culture (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Kathryn Duda, University of Chicago

Panelist: Charles Arndt, Union College
Title: Wandering ne Khrista radi: The “Heretical” Peregrinations of Nikolai Leskov’s “Enchanted Wanderer”

Panelist: Daria Safronova, Ohio State University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Grigory Rasputin: Sinful Saint, Holy Devil, or simply, Elder? An Attempt at a Semiotic Analysis

Panelist: Rebecca Reich, Harvard University
Title: The Rhetoric of Madness: Aesthetics and Accountability in Andrei Siniavskii

Panelist: Zlatina Sandalska, University of Southern California
Title: The Alcoholic-Intellectual as a Brezhnev-Era Holy Fool: On S. Dovlatov’s Protagonists

8B-4 Panel: Reexaminations I: Questioning Nationalization and Other Modes of Canonization (Room: Pasadena II)

Panel Chair: Elise Thorsen, University of Pittsburgh

Panelist: Benjamin Paloff, University of Michigan
Title: National Literature After the Nation and After Literature

Panelist: Julie Draskoczy, Stanford University
Title: Rereading Socialist Realism: Maksim Gor'kii’s Mother as Symbolist Work

Panelist: Konstantine Klioutchkine, Pomona College
Title: Literature and Commodity Culture in Mid-nineteenth-century Russia

David Powelstock, Brandeis University

8B-5 Panel: Russian Folklore (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Sidney Dement, University of Kansas

Panelist: David McVey, Ohio State University
Title: And They Lived Queerly Ever After: A Space for Disrupting Heteronormativity in Russian Fairy Tales

Panelist: Jasmine Lin, Ohio State University
Title: Peter Tames His Inner Wolf: A Freudian Analysis of Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf

Panelist: Erin Collopy, Texas Tech University
Title: The Vampire in Maria Eliferova’s Смерть автора

8B-6 Panel: Russian and East European Modernist Art and Architecture (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Kirsten Lodge, Columbia University

Panelist: Joe Troncale, University of Richmond (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Nicholas Rerikh and the Theatricalization of Russian Painting in the Early Twentieth Century

Panelist: Jamilya Nazyrova, Ohio University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: The Fin de Siècle Megapolis and Benois’s Vision of the Imperial Park

Panelist: Geneviève Cloutier, Université du Québec à Montréal (AV: overhead projector)
Title: (Re)Writing Art History in Central and Eastern Europe: the East Art Map Project and the Legacy of the Historical Avant-Gardes

8B-7 Workshop: Tolstoy in the Classroom (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: Irina Paperno, University of California-Berkeley

8B-8 Panel: Russian Phonology (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Olga Yokoyama, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Jane Hacking, University of Utah (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: Word Final Devoicing in the Speech of American Learners of Russian

Panelist: Jan Schallert, University of Toronto
Title: Entailment, Implicature, and Rising Intonations in Russian

Panelist: Natalia Bogdanova, Daria Palshina, St. Petersburg State University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: О словаре редуцированных форм русской речи

8B-9 Panel: Teaching Less Commonly Taught Slavic and Central/East European Languages (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: Susan Kresin, University of California-Los Angeles (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)

Panelist: Dianna Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Online Methods Courses for LCTL Instructors

Panelist: Olga Kagan, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Instructional Materials for Heritage language Learners: A Macro-Approach

Panelist: Georgiana Galateanu, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Teaching Students to Perceive Patterns of Text Organization

January 8, 3:45pm-5:45pm

8C-1 Panel: The Lyric Persona in Russian Poetry and Prose of the Early Twentieth Century (Room: Pasadena II)

Panel Chair: Sasha Razor, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Jeffrey Riggs, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Obscuring the Lyric Self: Viacheslav Ivanov and the Poetic Problem of Individuation

Panelist: Elena Kapinos, Russian Academy of Science
Title: Персонаж и его границы (И.А.Бунин «Неизвестный друг»)

Panelist: Elena Kulikova, Russian Academy of Science
Title: Puteshestvie i progulka v tvorchestve akmeistov: A.A. Akhmatova

Olga Meerson, Georgetown University

8C-10 Panel: Technology-Enhanced Language Instruction (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Ekaterina Fleishman, Defense Language Institute

Panelist: James Wilson, University of Leeds (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Developing Corpora for Teaching Foreign Languages: A Case Study of Russian

Panelist: Marina Kostina, University of Iowa (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: “From Isolation to Autonomy”: What Can a Teacher Do to Involve Students in a Web-based Distance Course?

Panelist: Izolda Wolski-Moskoff, University of Pennsylvania (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; overhead projector; speakers)
Title: Using Tech Tools Available on Blackboard to Create Supplementary Materials for Polish

8C-11: Poster Session: Teaching Less Commonly Taught Slavic and Central/East European Languages II (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: Susan Kresin, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Emanuel Buzek and Masako Fidler, Brown University
Title: Error gravity in Czech: how important are precise inflectional endings?

Panelist: Miluse Saskova-Pierce, University of Nebraska
Title: Communicative and student centered language teaching in on-line delivery: the case of Czech

Panelist: Mariana Chodorowska-Pilch, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Special topics in advanced language courses: their role for heritage and non-heritage speakers

Panelist: Eva Eckert, Connecticut College
Title: Study Abroad strategies of language teaching: Charles University’s semester program CESTA

Panelist: Georgiana Galateanu, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Using word cards in teaching desinences

Panelist: Christopher Harwood, Columbia University
Title: Real-Life Czech: a video supplement for elementary and intermediate Czech language instruction

Panelist: Susan Kresin, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Heritage themes in introductory language classes

Panelist: Ellen Langer, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Teaching grammar and culture through reading: examples from the elementary Czech language classroom

Panelist: Viktorija Lejko-Lacan, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Using advertisements to teach grammar and culture in a BCS class

Panelist: Layne Pierce, University of Nebraska
Title: Teaching Compressed Online Foreign Language

8C-12 Panel: Works in Progress II (Room: Sacramento)

Panel Chair: Valeria Nollan, Rhodes College

Panelist: Kathleen Parthe, University of Rochester
Title: Herzen’s Capacity to Surprise

Panelist: Svetlana Evdokimova, Brown University
Title: Chekhov and the Russian Intelligentsia

Panelist: Harsha Ram, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Crossroads Modernity: Aesthetic Modernism and the Russo-Georgian Encounter

8C-13 Panel: Poetry as the Spoken Word: Performances and Discussion (Room: San Diego)

Panel Chair: Yelena Zotova, University of Illinois-Chicago

Panelist: Psoy Korolenko, Moscow

Panelist: Anton Tenser, Chicago

Gerald Janecek, University of Kentucky
Keren Klimovsky, Brown University

8C-2 Panel: Reexaminations II: Literature as a Vehicle for Ideas (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Amanda Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Panelist: Yuri Corrigan, College of Wooster
Title: The Honest Soul and the Disintegrated Mind in Chekhov’s Prose

Panelist: Michal Oklot, Brown University
Title: What did Rozanov and Nabokov See in Tiny Particles of Dust Spinning in a Band of Sunbeams? A Short Story of One Image

Panelist: Benjamin Sutcliffe, Miami University
Title: Liudmila Ulitskaia’s Daniel Shtain, Perevodchik and the Novel of Ideas

Stephen Blackwell, University of Tennessee

8C-3 Panel: Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita (Room: Santa Barbara)

Panel Chair: Polina Rikoun, University of Denver

Panelist: Chloe Kitzinger, University of California-Berkeley
Title: “Исколотая иглами память”: Proof, Narration, and the Reader in The Master and Margarita

Panelist: Sidney Dement, University of Kansas (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: Prototypes of Margarita’s Mansion: Towards a Poetics of Space in The Master and Margarita

8C-4 Panel: 1920s-30s Film (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Robert Efird, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Panelist: William Gunn, University of Southern California (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; speakers)
Title: Directors, Dramaturgs and Deconstruction: Meyerhold’s and Eisenstein’s Textual Adaptations of Alexander Ostrovsky on the Soviet Stage of the 1920s

Panelist: Elise Thorsen, University of Pittsburgh
Title: Modalities of Osvoenie: Boundaries and Citizenship in Aleksandr Dovzhenko’s Aerograd

Panelist: Rad Borislavov, University of Chicago
Title: Radio-film and the Soviet Mediascape in the Early 1930s

8C-5 Panel: Icons not in Churches (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Sarah Pratt, University of Southern California (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)

Panelist: Marcus Levitt, University of Southern California
Title: The Icon that Sparked a Riot: The Bogoliubskaia Bogomater and the Moscow Plague Riot in 1771

Panelist: Wendy Salmond, Chapman University
Title: The Collectable Icon: Three Early Collectors (Postnikov, Ostroukhov, Likhachev)

Panelist: Andrew Spira, Christie's (AV: CD player)
Title: The Avant-Garde Icon

Panelist: Tara Young, The Museum of Russian Icons, Clinton MA
Title: Icons in a Museum Setting: Sacred Art, Audiences, and Expectations

Nancy Perloff, Getty Museum and Research Institute

8C-6 Panel: Literary Theatrics: Gestures, Staginess, and Speech Acts (Room: International Ballroom West; AV: LCD/computer projector set-up; CD player)

Panel Chair: Stephanie Sandler, Harvard University

Panelist: Daria Khitrova and Yuri Tsivian, University of Chicago
Title: MotDynamo: Gesture in Valentin Parnakh's Poetry and Dance

Panelist: Lada Panova, University of Southern California
Title: Anna Akhmatova’s “Kleveta”: Staging Slander

Panelist: Alexander Zholkovsky, University of Southern California
Title: Fasil Iskander's Pantomime Narratives

Michael Wachtel, Princeton University

8C-7 Panel: The Interpersonal Czech (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Benjamin Paloff, University of Michigan

Panelist: Daniel Pratt, University of Chicago
Title: Seifert and Mourning: the Death of Masaryk, Lidice and the National Poet

Panelist: Esther Peters, University of Chicago
Title: “I am Failure”: the Necessity of Failure in Hrabal’s Writing

Panelist: Kathryn Duda, University of Chicago
Title: Revisiting the Philosopher King? Vaclav Havel and Philosophizing Community

8C-8 Master Class: Approaching the Nineteenth-Century Novel as Art Form, Enterprise, and Institution (Room: Del Mar)

Panel Chair: William Mills Todd, III, Harvard University

8C-9 Panel: East Slavic Dialectology (Room: Monterey)

Panel Chair: Andrew Dombrowski, University of Chicago

Panelist: Elena Boudovskaia, Vassar College (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Declensional Classes in the Plural in Transcarpathian Ukrainian Dialects: Spatial Perspective

Panelist: Natalia Labunets, Tiumen State University
Title: Географическая лексика в русских диалектах западной Сибири

8D-1 Workshop: Translating Chekhov: From Text to Stage (Room: Pasadena I), 7:00-9:00pm

Panel Chair: Marina Brodskaya, Stanford University

Panelist: Karen Landry

Panelist: Chris Mulkey

Panelist: Sharon Chatten

Panelist: Zach Book

January 9, 9:00am-11:00am

9A-1 Panel: New Economic Readings in Gogol, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy (Room: Santa Clara)

Panel Chair: Susan McReynolds Oddo, Northwestern University

Panelist: Jillian Porter, University of California-Berkeley
Title: Coin and Corpse: The Miser as Meta-type in Dostoevsky’s “Mr. Prokharchin”

Panelist: Séamas O'Driscoll, Northwestern University
Title: Chichikov as Homo Oeconomicus: The Status of the Debate after 35 Years

Panelist: Russell Valentino, University of Iowa
Title: Love, Exchange Relations, and the Return of “The Virtuous Man” in Anna Karenina

9A-2 Panel: Cross-Dressing in Russian Culture (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Geoffrey Cebula, Princeton University

Panelist: Jennifer Wilson, Princeton University
Title: (Drag)ging Tolstoy into Queer Theory: On the Cross-Dressing Motif in War and Peace

Panelist: Mark Konecny, University of Southern California
Title: Flying Close to the Sun: Ikar’s Interpretation of Duncanism

Panelist: Joe Peschio, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Title: The Lady on the Field of Mars: Kologrivov in Sollogub’s Memoirs (1830s)

Connor Doak, Northwestern University

9A-3 Panel: Late Soviet Culture (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: William Gunn, University of Southern California

Panelist: Andrew Chapman, University of Pittsburgh
Title: From Ochered' to Ocherednost': Narratives of Queuing and Waiting in Late Soviet Culture

Panelist: Elizabeth Papazian, University of Maryland-College Park (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Ethnography and subjectivity in Soviet “poetic cinema”

Panelist: Robert Efird, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: Inspirations and Adaptations: Russian Literature and Cinema in Carlos Reygadas’ Japon

9A-4 Panel: Gombrowicz, the Self, and the Other (Room: Pasadena II)

Panel Chair: Jessie Labov, Ohio State University

Panelist: Jennifer Croft, Northwestern University
Title: The Violence of Intersubjectivity from Ferdydurke to Kosmos

Panelist: Catherine LaSota, Columbia University
Title: Constructing New Form in Gombrowicz’s “A Premeditated Crime”

Panelist: William Leidy, Stanford University
Title: The Scandal of Gombrowicz

9A-5 Panel: Geography, Exile, and Displacement in Russian and East European Literature and Film (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: Karen Rosenflanz, The College of St. Scholastica

Panelist: Christopher Lemelin, Independent Scholar
Title: Tsvetaeva’s Elegies for Space and Time: “Zaochnost’” and “Minuta”

Panelist: Sharon Lubkemann Allen, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, State University of New York-Brockport (AV: LCD/computer projector; DVD/VCR; speakers)
Title: Re-casting Russian Writers: Geographical Relocations, Generic Reconfigurations: Tarkovsky, Khrzhanovsky

9A-6 Panel: History and Pre-history (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Robert Channon, Purdue University

Panelist: Eun-Ji Song, Seoul National University (AV: overhead projector)
Title: Subjective and Intersubjective Meaning of the Old Russian Causal Connectives bo and ponezhe

Panelist: Alexey Borovikov, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Title: Мутационные глагольные словообразовательные типы с приставкой про- в истории русского языка

Panelist: Matthew Feeney, University of Kansas
Title: Forward Stress Shift in the Reconstruction of Proto-Slavic

9A-7 Panel: Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Tatiana Filimonova, Northwestern University

Panelist: Elisabeth Elliott, Lisa Yountchi, Northwestern University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: What Can Watching Students Doing TPR Teach Us about the Acquisition of Russian Verbs of Motion?

Panelist: Anna Morton, Bill Van Patten, Texas Tech University (AV: DVD/VCR)
Title: Does Explicit Information Help Making Form-Meaning Connections in Russian Inverted Word Order Sentences?

Panelist: Richard Robin, George Washington University (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: Narration and Narrative in Russian Oral Proficiency Interviews

Panelist: Artemi Romanov, University of Colorado (AV: LCD/computer projector set-up)
Title: The Russian Language for Heritage Students: Attitudes and Motivation in Sociolinguistic Perspective

9A-8 Panel: Corpus-based Approaches to Russian Language Investigations and Pedagogy (Room: International Ballroom West)

Panel Chair: Olga Kagan, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Olesya Kisselev and Anna Yatsenko, Portland State University
Title: Using Learner Corpus in Assessment of Student Progress

Panelist: Sophia Malamud, Brandeis University
Title: Annotated Corpus of Heritage Russian: Meaning and Grammar

Panelist: Yekaterina Dobrushina, Pravoslavny Svyato-Tikhonovski University of Humanities
Title: Новые возможности и перспективы Национального корпуса русского языка и их использование в преподавании русистики

James Wilson, University of Leeds
Tetyana Sydorenko, Michigan State University

January 9, 12:15pm-2:15pm

9B-1 Panel: New Approaches to Dostoevsky’s Mature Novels (Room: Pacific A)

Panel Chair: Christine Dunbar, Princeton University

Panelist: Connor Doak, Northwestern University
Title: “Ego sovsem ne stoilo by liubit’ zhenshchine”: Stepan Trofimovich’s Ambivalent Masculinity in Dostoevskii’s Besy

Panelist: Anna Berman, Princeton University
Title: Sister-Brother Dynamics in Dostoevsky’s Adolescent

Panelist: S. Ceilidh Orr, Ohio State University
Title: Getting to the Root of Rakitin: Character Names and Generic Interaction in Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov

Panelist: Victoria Thorstensson, University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: The Victims and Villains of Nihilism and Their Judges: Reflections of the Political Trials of the 1870s in the Novels of the 1870s (Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Avseenko, Golovin, Markevich)

9B-2 Panel: Power, Language, and Genre in Middle and Late Tolstoy (Room: Pasadena II)

Panel Chair: Lina Steiner, University of Chicago

Panelist: Margarita Zaydman, University of California-Berkeley
Title: One and All in Anna Karenina

Panelist: Adil Dsouza, University of Toronto
Title: The Weight of Anarchism in Tolstoy

Panelist: Ani Kokobobo, Columbia University
Title: Tolstoy's Grotesque Realism in Resurrection

9B-3 Panel: Reexaminations III: Rereading Slavic Literatures between Literary History and Ethnography (Room: Pacific C)

Panel Chair: Katherine Bowers, Northwestern University

Panelist: Jon Stone, Franklin & Marshall College
Title: Merezhkovskii and “Those Greeks”: Russian Decadence and the Lure of Substantial

Panelist: Jonathan Bolton, Harvard University
Title: From Resistance to Ethnography: Dissident Writing as Thick Self-Description

Panelist: Valeria Sobol, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Title: The Imperial Gothic: Russian Literary Ethnography

Caryl Emerson, Princeton University

9B-4 Panel: Gender and the Body in Poetry (Room: International Ballroom East)

Panel Chair: Christopher Lemelin, Independent Scholar

Panelist: Jason Strudler, Princeton University
Title: “Formal” Beauty: Aleksei Kruchenykh and the Faktura of the Female Body

Panelist: Rebecca Pyatkevich, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Title: Hills out of Mountains: Tsvetaeva’s “Poem of the Mountain” and Brodsky’s “Hills”

Panelist: Yuliya Minkova, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Title: Idle Bodies and Martyred Poets: How the Body of the Artist Fits in the Symbolic Exchange System of Soviet Discourse

9B-5 Panel: Syntactic Structure (Room: Pasadena I)

Panel Chair: Meghan Murphy-Lee, Bates College

Panelist: Cori Anderson, Princeton University
Title: Case Alternations and Event Structure: Evidence from Lithuanian

Panelist: James Lavine, Bucknell University
Title: Mood, Tense, and a Transitivity Restriction in Lithuanian

Panelist: Leonard Babby, Princeton University
Title: The Argument Structure of Auxiliary Verbs

9B-6 Roundtable: ACTR’s National Post-Secondary Russian Essay Contest (Room: Pacific B)

Panel Chair: Benjamin Rifkin, The College of New Jersey (AV: overhead projector)

Panelist: Evgeny Dengub, Temple University

Panelist: Susan Kresin, University of California-Los Angeles

Panelist: Alla Smyslova, Columbia University

Panelist: Julia Titus, Yale University

9B-7 Roundtable: The Language Flagship: Reaching Superior in Russian (Room: Sacramento)

Panel Chair: Dianna Murphy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Panelist: Olesya Kisselev, Portland State University
Title: Russian Across the Curriculum in Introductory Flagship Russian

Panelist: Olga Kagan, University of California-Los Angeles
Title: Integrating Advanced Students of Russian with Heritage Speakers in Flagship Russian

Panelist: Dan Davidson, American Councils for International Education: ACTR/ACCELS; Bryn Mawr College
Title: Achieving Superior Proficiency at the St. Petersburg Flagship Center